The guy reproaches me for not dressing feminine enough

The guy reproaches me for not dressing feminine enough
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We are both 26 years old. We've been seeing each other not too long ago. But here's minethe guy began to reproach me that he would like to see a girl next to him, and not a tomboyish teenager in a leather jacket. I come from that layer who listens to our good rock, goes to concerts in memory of Gorshenev, and plays ska-punk for the whole house. Accordingly, my appearance is like this. Fortunately, my work does not require a dress code: I am just a design engineer and the bosses don’t care what the employees wear, of course within the bounds of decency for the opposite sex. Sometimes, when I'm in a good mood, I fit into skirts and dresses, which bring me just as little closer to princesses. All my clothes are either completely black or bright colors of the simplest but aggressive cuts. Since I drive a car, I usually wear flat shoes according to traffic regulations.

Of course, if you ask me out on a date in advance, I will put on my heels and look for something girly. On dates, of course, I try to put on makeup, since I don’t have to go to work, because I’m on and it’s not noticeable. The team at work is purely male, and my appearance and behavior fit perfectly into it. The point of maximum comfort is achieved by wearing a biker jacket, blue jeans, sneakers, throwing a backpack over your shoulder and a mugcoffee in hand, headphones in ears. At such moments, I am real.

Returning to the problem: I constantly hear jokes from the guy about the lack of earrings and his unfeminine gait. Of course, I turn everything into a joke and actively discuss the passing ladies. The intensity of reproaches grows following the activity of the meetings. I understand that due to the difference in height, it is better for me to wear heels - this is not discussed. The behavior leaves me wanting femininity, but it just so happens that it’s easier for me to be a down-to-earth friend than to flirt, ask to open the door, and so on. On the first date, I also wore a leather jacket and jeans, he saw who he was choosing. Now give him a girl who doesn’t swear, doesn’t sit on the grass in the park, doesn’t skateboard, doesn’t tinker with the car, listens to something marshmallow-sweet, always wears makeup, and so on.

By the way, I became attached toguy very much, fell in love, probably. This makes his claims even more painful. Yesterday was the peak. Arriving home, I was a little nervous due to the lack of whiskey, and went to bed. It seems to me that everything is coming to an end - I won’t be able to break myself under his vision, even if outwardly I match, then inside I won’t be comfortable in the mask. Yes, in everyday life I do everything feminine, there isson , I am financially self-sufficient at first. Maybe this is all nonsense, but because I don’t notice this moment, the lump of dissatisfaction will only grow and it will be even more painful, because every time I become more and more attached.

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