I worry about my sister

I worry about my sister
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

For about a year, she began to worry about her younger sister. The story began with the fact that I got married a couple of years ago, and I moved in with my husband, or rather, we temporarily live with his parents.

Because of the new work, life and relatives, she began to pay less attention to her sister, however, she tried to visit her more often. Meanwhile, she continues to live in the apartment bought by our parents. When I moved out, she settled her friend in my room. Since then, the sister began to gradually change. At the beginning, her partying and gatherings with alcohol and smoking became more frequent, then she began to swear that we could show up to her (although we warn her a couple of days in advance), then she began to maintain a hidden Instagram account from me.

Things got even worse when I gave birth and couldn't visit her anymore. In the same year, she quit her job, declared that it was not hers, although she kept saying throughout the university that she liked this profession. She went without work for more than six months, our dad helped her test-antibiotic.com with funds and products, clothes, so she did not need anything and, accordingly, did not look for a job. Then she began to get tattoos all over her body, piercings. I learn from her friends that she meets with one or the other, and all of them are some kind of musicians, then artists.

Maybe I'm biased towards them, but I have associations with drugs and venereal diseases. Now she allegedly works, but I don’t believe it and I can’t check it, she doesn’t say anything about her work. I know that every weekend these musicians (and they are much older than her) hang out in our parents' apartment, eat food that our parents buy for my sister so that she does not starve, sleep in our house. And she is silent. Parents do not know anything about this, because. live in another city and by the time they arrive, she covers all traces. In front of them, she is white and fluffy, hides all her tattoos and does not admit to them that she has already done them for a year.

All this scares me very much, especially the fact that she communicates with me less and does not come to me, although I constantly invite her to visit or take a walk. She is not interested in how her parents, me, my brother, my daughter are doing. Mom also complains to me about her that she rarely calls, but she doesn’t know anything from what I write here.

This year my sister turned 28, I will be 32. I don't know what to do. Is it possible to say that she still hasn't walked up? Or do you still need to sound the alarm?

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