First love lives quietly in my heart

First love lives quietly in my heart
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It all started 15 years ago. Then I was 14 years old, and for the first time in my life I fell in love! One of the May evenings, he invited me and my sister to visita guy who later became her sister's husband. We arrived at the appointed time. In addition to us, three more guys and two girls also came to him! As it turned out later, the girls were already couples with those guys and only one Sergey was alone. We met, talked, and everyone came to a common opinion, to go to the river and sit with a guitar near the fire. Night, stars, fire and guitar and I fell in love with this fabulous instrument and of course with the one who played it, it was Sergey.

Morning was already coming, everyone began to gather at home, Serezha and I sat next to each other in the car and drove off. I began to freeze and Seryozha hugged me so gently that I felt so warm and pleasant, I had never experienced this, then Seryozha bent down and kissed me. It was the first kiss in my life, from this my head was spinning, and my heart began to beat in my chest so that it seemed that it was about to break out.

After that evening, Sergei and I began to meet. He came to me 2-3 times a week, we walked, walked, holding hands, kissed, it didn’t come to sex, he was 23 years old, and I was 14, and it never crossed his mind. So 3 months passed. And then one evening Sergey broke my heart, he said that we need to stop dating. Pain, tears, and I don’t remember how I ended up at home, I walked as if in a dream, some screams were heard behind my back, but I didn’t understand anything, only fragments of words partially reached me.

For six months I did not live, but existed, study at home, study at home. Soon I graduated from high school, went to the city, entered the medical school, unlearned and met a man with whom we soon beganrelationship , he is 15 years older than me. After a year of our meetings, he offered to marry himmarried . Of course, agreed, we got married, then I got pregnant, gave birth to two beautiful sons.

She dedicated herself to her husband and children. My husband loved me very much, he literally carried me in his arms. Some time passed, I became pregnant again and gave birth to a daughter. Everything was just great, friendly wonderfulfamily . All this time I remembered Sergey, I remembered all the good things that happened then at a young age. And then one day I came to my mother, met with friends, sat in a cafe, remembered school days, and from a friend I found out that Sergei, after our breakup, went to another city, got married there, and his daughter was born! I was truly happy for him.

About two years have passed since this meeting, and I somehow sat on the social network and decided to find my old friends, and now I stumble upon Sergey from one friend and I invite him as a friend under hypnosis and he accepts the invitation. And so, 13 years later, we began to communicate, chatting about everything in the world. He said he got divorced, moved to his hometown with his parents,, and now lives with them. So we talked for almost a year, after he invited me to meet, I really wanted to see him, of course, but I said that I couldn’t, because I couldn’t explain to my husband where I was going.

And here is minemy husband left for two weeks in another city for work, and I invited Sergei to meet, he agreed and came to me the same evening! It was summer, it was warm. I quickly got dressed, arranged in advance with my sister to look after the children, and left! After 14 years, I met a man whom I remembered all the time and quietly loved with tender and virginal love! We talked all night holding hands, it was so nice, beyond words! And we occasionally began to meet, at first we just chatted, then we even kissed, and once it came to intimacy. I was very worried about this, because I didn’t just betray my husband, namelytreason , did not give me rest. My husband was my first man, but also the only one for all this time, until Seryozha appeared!

So we met with him for a short time, I decided that this should be stopped. Sergei asked me to divorce my husband, but I was not ready for such a turn of events! And I decided to take a desperate step. One evening, my husband and I were sitting in the kitchen having tea, and I decided to ask him how he felt about cheating, to which he replied that he would forgive cheating, andbetrayal is not. And I confessed to him what I had done! I was shocked by his actions, he got up and left, I thought everything was the end of my family, and I myself, with my own hands, destroyed my family. But then my husband returned, and I repented of my deed. My husband forgave me, after that Sergey and I stopped talking. But in the depths of my heart lies that young firstlove . But I don't want to hurt my husband anymore. This is the story that happened to me, do not judge me severely, everyone makes mistakes and makes mistakes, but not everyone realizes this and even more so repents.

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