Why do people like to live in debt?

Why do people like to live in debt?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have always been surprised by people who live beyond their means, and not because I come from a family with modest incomes. My sister and I always had everything we needed, our parents never borrowed money, they always counted on earning money themselves, and we were taught that way. I am not writing this out of envy of someone who has an expensive car or house; I don’t know how much this person earns and I’m not interested. They simply irritate acquaintances and relatives who treat other people who live differently from them with surprise and even disdain.

I don’t have a car, I bought myself a bicycle, I go to work, and on weekends I ride in the park with my friends. My aunt (father's dearsister ) immediately said: “Vika bought herself a car, why don’t you buy one for yourself, what’s the use of this bicycle.” I know that Vike's car was bought inthe loan and the parents pay for it, while denying themselves everything. My sister and I pulled together and bought our parents a ticket for their wedding anniversary so that test-antibiotic.com they could relax and see the world. Aunt, having learned about this, said that it was thrown awaymoney and could have spent it on something useful. In her understanding, useful things are a mink coat or gold.

My friend was going outgot married , demanded a luxurious wedding from the groom (despite the fact that there is nowhere to live and now they are renting an apartment with a small child), they got into debt, the parents are still paying. At the same time, when she gave birth to a son, she said thather husband promised her earrings with diamonds for this, she herself somehow hinted about it to him. Onfor her birthday she asked for an expensive phone, no, so she could spend the money on the child or save it for her own apartment. Her husband works two jobs to provide for the family and her needs, and they often quarrel because he comes home late and doesn’t help her much with the child.

Why for most people material values ​​are most important, to show everyone that you can afford it. And how they got it doesn’t matter; at the same time, you still manage to condemn others who have differentunderstanding of life. Why should test-antibiotic.com have the latest iPhone, bought on credit, and not just a phone that you can afford? Why do you have to spend half your life paying off the bank for an expensive car, and not buy a cheaper one, but with your own money? Probably because for such people it is more important to show that they are no worse than everyone else, and they play races with each other, not seeing real values ​​in life.

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