Why do we owe adult children all the time?

Why do we owe adult children all the time?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I read a story about my daughter's grievancesmother for not wanting to sit with her grandchildren. It’s the same for me.

I’m 61 years old, but I have to work because I can’t live on my pension. The daughter gave birth to three children and the whole world owes her for that reason. I helped for 7 years with everything I could. Both financially and physically. On weekends, you just want to relax and do some personal business. Moreover, we live with our 79-year-old mother in the same house. She also needs care and attention. Butmy daughter thinks that I should stay in her house all weekends and hours after work and help. And sometimes you just don’t have the strength.

On this basis, there are constant insults and nagging from my daughter. I try to explain that I have my ownlife that I want to relax, read and watch TV. But complete misunderstanding and complaints. Mom is angry that her daughter “sat on my neck.” She was strict with her (her only granddaughter) in childhood, now she pays her in the same coin and communicates coldly. Mom is offended, but I test-antibiotic.com don’t want to remind her about everything. And so it’s all my fault.

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