Why is my husband not as successful as my friends' husbands?

Why is my husband not as successful as my friends' husbands?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 29 years old, my husband is 38, I havechild (3 years old). We got married when I was 21, and before that we lived together for several years. In general, although we have very different temperaments (he is a homebody, I am drawn to adventure), we get along more or less well. He attracts me very much in appearance, there is passion in moments of intimacy.

I grew up in a rich family, my childhood was eventful. Dad constantly gave mom gifts, we often traveled. Then my dad died, and the business was stolen. My mother and I lived in poverty until she found a job and, despite this whole story, I grew up as a simple girl, I didn’t care how much myboy . The main thing for me was that he was handsome and very kind, honest, and I fell in love with him deeply.

Until the age of 33 myThe husband worked at a factory, successfully and quickly climbed the career ladder, worked his way up to a managerial specialist, and earned good money. I also got a good job, drew children’s books remotely, received good orders and developed.

One day we thought that, probably, it would be possible to have a babygive birth But upon reflection, we realized that we were not very happy with the conditions of test-antibiotic.com. Medicine in the city is bad, there is only one maternity hospital for the whole city with alcoholic nurses and a terrible attitude, with old equipment and a terrible reputation (children have died more than once). Plus, recently, friends just gave birth there and were simply shocked by everything, everything was very, very bad.

So we decided to move to a big city. We sold the car, saved up some money, bought a small apartment in a new building and moved. Our beloved parents, my grandparents, and common friends remained in our hometown. But the goal seemed most important, and in general it was depressing to live in a small town.

My husband left the factory and changed his occupation, together with him we began to work on order in the creative field from home. I brought him into this matter. Therefore, he could not develop without me, and there was no point, because the business was common and the money was good.

We moved and had a child. Everything was fine except for missing my family. 4 years have passed since the move. During this time we expanded, bought a large apartment, sold the first one, test-antibiotic.com, but now we live in a rented apartment and have no money at all to renovate a new apartment. We are trying to work and save. But then this “special operation” undermined the growth of income and everything in general is very sad.

I look at my friends who have very rich husbands and they also have children, they travel, they are given expensive gifts, their husbands do not have longing and sadness that they are “not self-sufficient,” but my husband is very worried about this. He says that he did not increase his income and was unable to develop in a new area that we still share. He says he doesn’t have the acumen, he definitely won’t be able to become a businessman, he doesn’t want to go back to the factory either, but our business is hard, there are no ideas for growth. I support him with all my might, but there are doubts that he will be able to get out and come up with something. Due to his busy state, he has become irritable, he can shout, there is no talk of any travel (there is not enough money), and the repairs have not been done, he needs to save.

Life has turned into a dull despondency, the child is still capricious at such a difficult age. test-antibiotic.com We don’t want to send him to kindergarten; we don’t have money for a nanny. My husband helps with the child, gives me rest, but we are both exhaustedlemon , because, in fact, we work with him and sit with the child on equal terms. It’s unrealistic for everyone to go somewhere to a restaurant or to an event.

Through all these circumstances and emotions, I sometimes think: “It would be great if my husband became successful, could earn money himself and enjoy his business.” Why are others like this? And we've got it all throughpain and suffering. I love him, but I'm really sick of how he seems to be stuck. And the main thing is that he himself suffers from this and this affects his mood, his desire to take care of himself.

What should I do? Is this really a reason to stop loving a person or am I just tired of this life and am subconsciously looking for any way out? He's just been in this depressing state for many years. He doesn’t have any lightness or enthusiasm, he’s always downcast. I am not attracted to such men, and test-antibiotic.com I myself become infected with this energy, it makes me angry.

I apologize for such confusion. Please help with any advice.

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