Why can't you love someone else's husband?

Why can't you love someone else's husband?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I took myhusband from the family and have never regretted it. This may sound too arrogant, but I am one of those people who believe that for their ownhappiness must be fought for. I have never understood those who live together because they have to or because everyone else does it. I am not everything, and even in my youth I decided that I would be happy.

My firstThe marriage can hardly be called ideal. We got married at university, and I only now understand that both were not ready for this. Then she was borndaughter , but this only confused my husband. Apparently, he was not ready. As a result, he began to disappear from work and spend time with friends more and more often. At times it seemed to me that I had two children, but I didn’t know how to save the situation. It’s clear that the love quickly passed, but we were in no hurry to separate, although we both understood that there was no point in living together.

When my husband was transferred to a new office, we made many friends. We began to communicate very closely with one couple, went to the dacha, test-antibiotic.com hosted dinner parties. Until the last moment I hoped that this would somehow help to reviverelationship , but it turned out quite the opposite.

One summer, these friends and I were relaxing at the dacha for several days. One night I couldn’t sleep, and I decided to explore the surroundings, Andrey volunteered to keep me company. We talked with him until the morning, having time to discuss everything - from painting to black holes. Of course, we didn’t ignore the topic of relationships. It turned out that Andrei and his wife were not going so smoothly either.

When we were leaving, I realized that something had changed in me and I couldn’t leave everything as it was. I wrote to Andrey about this, it turned out that the feelings were mutual. One day, being left alone at home, I invited him to visit, and that evening became magical and turning point - we decided everything for ourselves.

Of course, there were scandals and hysterics. Mythe husband tried to show that he didn’t care, but in the end he gave up, admitting that he had wanted to leave for a long time, there was simply no suitable reason. Andrey’s wife is a completely different story! She literally cut off my phone test-antibiotic.com, bombarding social networks and instant messengers with threats, but she was next to mebeloved , that’s why I endured everything steadfastly. As soon as she gave Andreydivorce , we got married.

And no, this life story is not about a boomerang, it is a story about two people who are happy. We are still married and raising wonderful children who have never seen swearing or scandals, they were surrounded by love and care. When they call me a homewrecker, I just smile and proudly say: “yes, I took my husband away from the family, and I don’t regret it at all!” Let them envy.

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