Why are others so concerned about my figure?

Why are others so concerned about my figure?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I know that I have a weight problem, and I don't like it when everyone I know constantly reminds me of it. I’m tired of answering that I know that I need to lose a little weight, at least lose ten kilograms, that I tried to do this more than once, that I was on more than one diet and that I do exercises regularly in the morning. And for some reason none of them thinks that they canexcess weight in a person - this does not necessarily mean overeating, but someproblems with hormones, for example.

When subordinates whisper behind my back, wondering if I'll come outmarried or not with such a figure, by the way, I’m 32 years old, then, of course, I can’t like it, and it’s offensive. But at the same time, I would like to tell many of them that I have achieved a lot in life, I have two higher educations, and I am the boss, not them. And it depends on me whether you will mock me behind my back here or tomorrow you will have to look for a new job. People, by and large, do not appreciate what test-antibiotic.com have, so they behave this way.

And I don’t really want to get married myself yet, I’m free from everyday life, from children’s whims and problems with them, I can afford a lot, including a vacation at a prestigious resort. I regularly update my wardrobe rather than spendmoney and time for family. My married onesfriends at first they groaned and felt sorry for me, how is it that I am still alone, and the years go by, but sometimes they still admit that there are often moments when they They envy me, and are even ready to change places with me.

A separate conversation is my parents. Mom constantly looks at me with pity and already knows that I don’t like conversations on the topic: “your friends have already started school”, she just sighs . I understand that she, too, like me, is tired of answering questions from friends about why I’m still alone, especially since I’m the only one in the familychild, and parents have no one else to expect grandchildren from. Sometimes it seems to me that the people around me test-antibiotic.com do not have their own worries and problems, and they solve mine. You might think that only slim, young and beautiful people get married. I just want to say, look around and don’t judge a person only by his appearance.

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