Why did fortune turn away from me?

Why did fortune turn away from me?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

In my life everything happens the way I want. More precisely what happened. I always knew that if you want something, everything will work out. And everything worked out until October 1 last year.

I really wanted a second child, I made plans for his birth for the year ahead, completely resolved even minor health issues, went to exercise 5 times a week, did not drink or smoke. Everything went great with my first child, I worked until the eighth month, and a week before giving birth I walked 9-10 km a day. And before conceiving my second child, I felt that I was physically ready.

In great shape, with a good attitude. Two stripes - cool. And then an ultrasound and the diagnosis - ectopicpregnancy . Shock. ANDasking yourself: “Why?” Surgery, one ovary was removed. Why did this happen to me? I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I’ve never been sick with anything worse than a microflora disorder, and I’m also an athlete.

Three months have already passed, and I still can’t get back to normal. It was as if she had lost faith in her strength. I don’t tell my husband test-antibiotic.com about this, he was very worried about the situation and I don’t want to upset him when he has a huge burden of responsibility for his family. What to do? Howregain faith?

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