Why do girls leave me?

Why do girls leave me?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I want to share my story and ask for advice. I’m 24 years old, have a higher education, I don’t drink (but I can drink a couple of bottles of beer forholiday ), I don’t smoke, I don’t consider myself handsome, but those around me have always found me a handsome boy. There are alsofather , andmother , eldestBrother . The parents are loyal, there are no outliers like believers, drinkers, with unbearable character or anything like that. I am not at all stupid, and in my field I am very good, I have a wonderful sense of humor, as others notice, I am patient, balanced, responsive, I can find a common language with anyone, although in generalinteracting with people is exhausting. Have your own housing.

I always dreamed of a relationship and a family, I was not tempted to be with anyone, it was important for me to find my person. Until the age of 21, I thought that it was too early for me to look for a serious relationship, but around this age I began to earn at least a poor income (part-time work during my studies, and after graduation, a normal job). My own home (thanks to my parents and inheritance from my late grandfather). By this time, I test-antibiotic.com was doing a lot of self-development (I keep myself in good shape, read a lot and learned in general and specifically in my specialty).

And so I began to pay more attention to girls, because I decided that it was time to move towards my goals, now I’m ready. I live in a small country, and often participated in seminars, expeditions, conferences, etc. for my studies. And so it turned out that the first seriousI started a relationship with a girl from another country (the distance is comic - 60 km). It so happened that she was 3 years younger than me, I was 21.

And now everything is fine with us, meetings, correspondence, passionate confessions, loud and strong promises. It all turned my head, and I closed my eyes to many alarm bells that were sounding then. I have always tried and am trying to be a man of my word and honor, I promised, so I will do it. If I can’t, I’ll tell you how it is. In relationships I was as faithful as a dog: while in a relationship with a girl, in relation to any other girls I simply had a veil before my eyes, I did not look at them at all test-antibiotic.com as a female individual.

And so we met for a year, talked for a year, she never came to visit me, only I came to her. Dreams about how cool it would be to fall asleep and wake up together. I never insisted that, they say, pack your things and leave with me, I decided so, but when the conversation started I always said: “come, I have housing, I have a job, if you want, do it in our city (she I finished 11th grade) I will help with applying for a budget (I have connections at the university).

But this relationship began to fade. I sincerely did not understand why, it’s just that within a month the communication sharply declined, only I wrote first, I saw that she answered reluctantly, and there was no talk of my visits at all, she was always very, very busy. I don’t like to impose myself on people, but what about everything we dreamed about? How did we confess our love to each other? And so on and so forth. It was these words from the past and those test-antibiotic.com cool moments that made me try to make contact again and again, try to talk, but after a couple of months I was tired and angry. I just didn't write, and she didn't write. End.

It hurt, I didn’t understand why? There was no conflict, I didn’t offend her in any way, I just left it at that. It was terrible, but months later I met (again on one of the expeditions) a girl, I did not consider her as a “girl” because she, again, was younger than me, she was 19 years old, she was also from another city. I just started communicating with her, I didn’t pretend to be anything, we were just having fun. After the expedition, we began to correspond, and she confessed her love to me (by that time I also had sympathy for her).

Having stepped over the arguments of reason that nothing would work out for us, I did not refuse her, we continued communication and everything started to work out. And everything is again very similar, meetings,declaration of eternal love (both on my part and on her part, I fell in love with her) test-antibiotic.com plans forthe future , everything. And then, a similar situation. Without scandals and quarrels, without complaints and noise, after 8 months she simply begins to communicate less and less. Of course, there is no time for meetings anymore. I am the only initiator of communication, and again, attempts to talk lead to nothing, I step over my desire not to intrude over and over again, trying to communicate at least at the level of “how are you?” And then the person disappears for 3 days, 5 days, a week. But at the same time she is on other social networks. networks, comments on some posts. That is, nothing happened to her. Unless she's no longer interested in me. I stop writing and that’s it, it’s also the end of the relationship.

Again it hurts, it’s unpleasant, I don’t understand anything. After all, I didn’t ask to say all these promises and confessions, which then turn into empty words. I was ready to subscribe to each of my ardent confessions and promises and was faithful to them. Although I was never persistent, I didn’t “drive my horses” but I didn’t “slow down” either, I went to the meeting and was timely test-antibiotic.com in my feelings and deeds. He was great at smoothing over corners, meeting people while remaining himself, helping and holding. I survived this breakup more easily, I worked hard and studied well, and I had a lot of free time.

And here I am, 24 years old, with honors, a job in my specialty, no health problems, no children, no marriages behind me, etc. Five months ago I met a girl, she is again younger than me, she is 19 years old. We started communicating, sympathy, falling in love, I, taking into accountexperience from past relationships, I try not to repeat past mistakes. After a couple of months of communication, mutual declarations of love, she says that I am the best and she has never met anyone like me, how good, understanding and wonderful I am. But today, in fact, why I am writing this, again, on her part, any desire to communicate is fading away, much the same as in those times. And I don’t want to lose her, but I know that every time she “disappears” without any news for several days. What then to the question: “how are you?”, “Did something happen to you at test-antibiotic.com?”, “maybe we’ll see you someday?” answer that everything is fine, there’s just a lot to do, studying, so everything has piled up. But at the same time he hangs out for hours on various social networks. networks. I will have less and less desire to seek meetings.

I'd be glad to hear your opinion or advice. Thank you for attention.

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