Why do guys disappear without explaining anything?

Why do guys disappear without explaining anything?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm 15 years old and I finally decided to share a story from my life.

I broke up with my loved one and I don’t even know the reason why he left. We dated for 4 months. HisMom was against our relationship. She wanted herthe son married the girl she herself chose for him. He and I fought for a long time for ourrelationship , but nothing has changed. His mother often interfered in our affairs, she did not even allow us to talk normally on the phone, and when he wanted to talk to his family about our future with him, his mother pretended to feel bad - she was a good artist. But he was blind, he believed her, he was too attached to his mother and could not go against his family.

I don't understand what ourguilt that they separated us? I think and think about this every second. Why didn't she even want to meet me?

At first he was very caring, he was even afraid to touch me so as not to offend me, test-antibiotic.com but over time he changed. We met very rarely. In the first month, when he talked to his family for the first time and they did not approve of our relationship, he did not call me for 2 days, did not write, and then, when I demanded an explanation, he wrote that hethe family is against us and he doesn’t know what to do. That's how he was left with a choice between his beloved girl and his mother.

Then I thought it was already the end. It seemed to me that there was no point in living anymore. He called many times, I didn’t answer, then he talked to my mom, then we talked together. I asked him for a final meeting. At first he did not agree, but then we finally agreed.

That evening we talked for a long time, and I realized that he also did not want to part with me. We met as strangers and kept our distance from each other. He begged me not to do such stupid things again, said that he did it so that I would be happy and did not want to hurt mepain . I test-antibiotic.com couldn’t help myself and hugged him very, very tightly. At that moment he kissed me for the first time.

We continued to meet. I hoped that his family would accept me someday. She invited him to visit and introduced him to her mother. Everything was great. We had a close relationship (everything except sex). He introduced me to my cousin and his fiancee. The four of us spent time together, but in the end, for some reason, he didn’t want to accompany me home, despite the fact that he never left me alone and always walked me home. He said that he had to meet his friend, who was already waiting for him. We had a little fight and he yelled at me for the first time. I cried all the way home and thought that maybe it was my own fault that this happened.

That day he didn’t even pay attention to me - he played with the phone as if I wasn’t there. I just didn’t know what to talk about with his relatives. They asked if we were going to get married, and he said something that made me test-antibiotic.com a laughing stock in front of them. He asked me about it, as if I myself should propose to him.

The next week everything was fine, but he suddenly disappeared, did not answer my calls and messages, and after 3 days he wrote that he had a littleproblems with my family so I could give him time. That's all. I waited for him for a month. He didn't even call my numberbirthday , did not congratulate. In the end, I wrote to him everything I thought, and he replied that he did not know what to answer me.

I can’t come to terms with the fact that he left me like that, without explanation, without reason. I tried for a long time, but I can’tforget him. I wantI can get it back, but I don't know how. He always said that we would never part, that he could not live without me, but now he lives his own life. How can you do this to your loved one? Did he really not love me at all? But everything we experienced together could not be false.

Myquestion for men: why?a man first test-antibiotic.com asks for time to think or solve certain problems, and then disappears? Couldn't he honestly, like a real man, say that he wanted to break up? Was he really such a coward? What could be the reason, maybe he just stopped loving me and it’s not about his family at all?

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