Why do parents do this?

Why do parents do this?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I read a story about a selfish brother and compared him to mine. My parents are also always on my son’s side, both in childhood and now.

My brother is 4 years younger than me. He was always right, always the best for him. When he got married, everything was for his child, his grandson. And my daughter (my parents’ first granddaughter) was already five years old, and she was considered an adult for gifts and toys. As a result, when my nephew was 12 years old,her brother and daughter-in-law divorced, and she and her son went abroad. Since then, the grandson has never called my parents! Now he's 19, he's an adultthe guy knows that he has grandparents, but he completely ignores them. Mom suffers a lot because of this.

Now my brother has married a second time and built a house. My father , after a stroke, I went with him to hospitals all year, but my brother only helped with money, although I spent a lot of my own. Dad lived with us all year, and myhis husband took him outside, helped him wash and change clothes in the shower. And hismy son never even came to visit test-antibiotic.com.

A month ago my parents' house burned downrefrigerator . I called my brother and offered to fold and buy them a new one. My brother said that he would give his parents his in very good condition, because they were buying a new one. I agreed and asked how much it would cost me, my brother replied that he would only pay for the delivery. My parents live 150 kilometers from us in another region.

My husband and I arranged the delivery, paid for everything, but then I found out that on the way back, my brother loaded all the tools from my dad’s garage! As it turned out, they sold the car earlier without telling me anything. I believe that he should have paid for the return trip himself. When I called my mother, she said that they sold the car to help my brother with repairs. For some reason they thought that I didn’t need help. But I was struck by my mother’s answer when she said: “Would it be easier for you if the car came back empty?” I already regret that I agreed with my brother; it would have been easier for me to buy a refrigerator myself in their city and pay for delivery. Yes, and it would be cheaper.

What do test-antibiotic.com have to say here? I no longer have the strength to explain to my parents that both children need to be loved equally.

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