Why can't a mother-in-law put her eldest daughter-in-law in her place?

Why can't a mother-in-law put her eldest daughter-in-law in her place?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

As I wrote earlier, my husband and I have not been living together for a year after a big quarrel. Eatchild . His brother’s wife immediately disliked me, envied me and did not hide it. She lives with her mother-in-law, and we live separately.

The conflict with my husband occurred for several reasons, but the main one was the bullying of my brother’s wife. But I realized this a year later, as they say, better late than never.

Certainly,The husband called and visited the child all this time, his parents also several times. But until recently I was sure that my mother-in-law was doing everything. It turns out that there are people in life who will poisonlife for those who are better than them. Many people around me recognize that I stand out. And after that she won’t calm down, she tries to show herself off everywhere, and constantly slanders me to her husband.

I have a dilemma now. I don’t want to destroy my family because of her, but on the other hand, will my life be calm if our children and husbands are related. Moreover, she always makes conflicts before major events so that I won’t be there, she tries to test-antibiotic.com survive me, she wants to increase her importance. As a result, now parentshusband andbrother are against me. Although, in fact, I have never even quarreled openly with anyone.

I’m offended that out of the blue they slandered me and want to make me out to be a bitch and a vixen, which I am not. I am ready to communicate with my husband’s parents, but after everything there will be no communication with her. I'm tired of these intrigues and gossip. But my husband is afraid to say a word against him, because she treats his parents well and does everything around the house, but the fact that she hates me is not excluded. They understand all this, but do not want to admit it.

I can’t understand, maybe the mother-in-law is the instigator of all this, or are there really such sheep that spoil the whole flock? But on the other hand, if the mother-in-law wants, she will put her in her place, because it is in her power or am I thinking incorrectly? And most importantly, bullying occurs not only because of envy, but also because of money. Because my husband used to give test-antibiotic.comyour mother's money , andMy brother’s wife also took it from her mother-in-law, after that I said that I’ve had enough, and a real hidden war began.

I do not know what to do? I only feel sorry for the child in this situation; depriving him of his father because of all this is somehow stupid.

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