Why did love leave so quickly?

Why did love leave so quickly?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have known him for a long time, about 15 years, we have never been connected by anything. I left at the right timegot married , gave birth to a son, he also got married 3 years ago, no children. I have been divorced for 7 years now. And then 3 months ago we met at a friends place, there was some kind of attraction, we were fooling around, laughing, and there wasn’t even a hint of something more. A week later there was another meeting, he wasbirthday ,his wife went out with her friends and, one might say, abandoned him. In general, ourcommunication that day was just as easy and cheerful, I decided that he was looking for support in me, because I knew that everything in his family was falling apart and it was hard for him. Then he said the following words: “why haven’t we met before, I always looked at you and thought that you were the best, and how long have I wanted to touch you, you were my dream.” After these words everything began. He began to write, look for meetings, and I gave in.

Everything was very nice, even test-antibiotic.com it’s hard to describe it in words, and I even decided that I had fallen in love and this was my ideal man. His relationship with his wife became worse and worse, he was almost always with me. And he even said that he wasn’t worried if she found out about us. Moreover, at the beginning of our relationship, she left him, and he did not try toreturn , she returned herself a couple of days later. No matter how romantic everything was, it was very painful in my soul, because I understood that he was married, and I was interfering with someone else’s family.

I called and said that everything needed to be stopped, I did not force him to leave his wife, I decided that he should make this choice himself, without pressure from me. In response, he said that I am the best thing he has, that only with me he smiles and it is very difficult for him. Of course, I got angry, said nasty things, as if it was easy for me, as if I was not suffering. After this conversation, a chill ran through our relationship. I tried to fix everything, test-antibiotic.com because I couldn’t even breathe without it, soI haven’t felt pain for a long time, I couldn’t work or sleep.

He communicated less and less, and stopped seeing each other altogether. It lasted 5 days, a short time, but for me it seemed like years had passed. Then his wife found out about our relationship and said that she was applying fordivorce . Now he has completely stopped communicating with me, he wants her back, he is suffering a lot. I also can’t find a place for myself, I’m just going crazy, I don’t understand why I was needed, is it really all that happened, it’s just a game on his part. I feel like a pillow for tears, and I don’t understand why this happened. She was leaving, and he didn’t say a word to her, but now it was as if I wasn’t in his life. Just an empty place. And why did he suddenly start to worry about them?relationship , because they had long become strangers, she always walked somewhere, did not spend the night at home, said thatgirlfriend will stay. He wasn’t worried about it, it was even beneficial for him to be test-antibiotic.com with me. What happened in his head? Why is that? These thoughts are driving me crazy.

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