Why did my attitude towards the guy change so much?

Why did my attitude towards the guy change so much?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We have been communicating with a young man for 5 months. I’m 22, he’s 25. I understand that his age is still quite “young”, but I want to build serious and long-termrelationship . But everything is turning out strangely and not at all as we wanted. Something is wrong, and I just don’t understand what’s happening to me and what to do. Please help me figure it out.

At first everything was fine. Gifts, walks, fun and cool, but over time I began to notice that I was starting to go to meetings without much enthusiasm. On the contrary, I want to stay at home. I get tired of his constant tenderness, hugs and kisses. I am not as tactile a person as he is and I feel discomfort. At the beginning of the relationship I spoke about this more than once and now I also defend personal boundaries as much as possible. But he constantly violates them, forgetting that I might feel bad. I talked to him about this topic. He promised to fix and change everything. But now I feel even worse thinking that it’s me who is wrong for not wanting so much intimacy with him.

He says he is serious, there was test-antibiotic.com alonegirl , there was a long-term relationship, but everything is in the past. Although he often mentions her in dialogue, saying that I am better. At first I listened calmly. Today it's already annoying. Even unnecessary questions about how I’m doing for the fifth time that day are very annoying. It’s like I’m being controlled and not allowed to breathe. And I perceive gifts rather as something that obliges me to be with him. But it’s like I don’t want it.

All our conversations are about nothing, but for hours. After the walk I come back exhaustedlemon , but I can’t remember anything important from the dialogue. He doesn’t feel any tension, he’s happy with everything, but I’m constantly tense and bored with him, as if something is missing. On top of that, I recently experienced panic attacks. It seemed that this was all against the backdrop of university and stress, but lately attacks have only happened when near him. Therefore, I don’t have any reason or fear for this.

I stopped liking his appearance, his voice and behavior. Literally everything on test-antibiotic.com started to piss me off. He wants to discuss everything and decide, he says that we will go through this together, and everything will be fine. And at this moment I literally start to feel sick. It felt like a snake had wrapped itself around me and was about to strangle me.

The family also says that he is somethingstrange . Too quiet in company. It's actually like a ghost. Avoids answering many questions. Always in the clouds and dumb, even when everyone is actively busy playing cards and watching its development, he is somewhere not with us.

I'm confused and don't know what to do. I'm scared to leave himthe guy is not bad and caring, but I’m waiting for some kind of catch, something hidden behind the mask.

What should I do?

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