Why did the girl’s attitude towards me change so dramatically?

Why did the girl’s attitude towards me change so dramatically?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 20 years old. A few years ago we met a girl in an online game (she is now 17). We immediately seemed to each other to be somehow remarkable, somehow different from other people. As it turned out, we also lived in the same city. Everything from then on went better than ever, but then she was forced to move to another city. We then promised each other that we would meet again.

Then we corresponded, talked on Skype or the phone and played the same games together. Everything was great, she became the goal of my life that needed to be achieved. But this year terrible things began to happen. The ones that shouldn't have happened. Death of loved ones, constant pressure and worry. For the first time everI experienced apathy in my life , but I had the strength to hold on and move on, thanks to the supportgirls . Now everything began to collapse and fall like a stone. It was as if she had been replaced. This person never understood why people fight, and she had good control over herself. It was clear that it was not even through force. Neither test-antibiotic.com nor we had ever quarreled before. Now it's almost happeningevery day .

From the beginning of the second half of the year, something seemed to come into her head. She has become withdrawn, ignores my messages and responds to them with the same “OK”. Reducescommunication is practically non-existent, provokes quarrels. I tried several times to fix everything, to find out what happened, but she answers something like “I’m not in the mood” or “I was just overworked,” and then I’m also to blame. In general, now I have terrible thoughts in my head every day, I’m afraid of losing her without seeing her again. Because of this, everything collapses. In studies, family, in life in general. You have to artificially speed yourself up with large doses of caffeine so as not to fall into hopelessness again.

I understand that at this age girls rarely know what they want and often begin to blow their minds, and I know what I need to do to make all this stop. But I can not. I no longer consider her a girl who will then leave. I consider her to be her relative and I don’t understand how her relatives can communicate so coldly test-antibiotic.com. This is the only person I am open to more than my blood relatives.

Maybe she's really busy and I'm pushing things too hard? All this is incomprehensible and strange to me.

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