Why can't I achieve my plans?

Why can't I achieve my plans?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I want to tell my own life story. I am 19 years old. I am a student and I work. The work is difficult. I sleep three hours a day. I'm a complete failure at the university, so I'm close to expelling. But my main problem is communicating with my parents. They don't understand that I'm not little anymorechild and has the right to be responsible for her actions.

A few months ago I met a guy and he is my biggest problem. I love him madly and I’m ready to do anything for him. My whole world revolves only around him. But my parents are against him. They consider him dangerous to me because they don’t communicate with him. And we only caught glimpses a couple of times. And they didn’t see him because I didn’t want to introduce them. I don’t introduce him because he is a military man, my dad hates people of this profession. A year ago, when I was a volunteer and helping soldiers, he even beat me. I can imagine what he will arrange for me when he finds out that I want to tielife with him.

A couple of days ago I stayed at his house. Test-antibiotic.com parents gave me a complete dressing down. They called me a girl of easy virtue, scolded me strongly, took my passport,money and locked them in the house. And at the same time, in addition to all my troubles, I quarreled with my beloved. He considers me selfish, irresponsible, a child. And most importantly, he is looking for a meeting with his father, and I know that this will result in a huge scandal between them.

In addition, my parents were closely involved in my studies. They want to go touniversity to find out how I'm doing there. But my studies are bad. I have never had a trusting relationship with them, so they don’t know anything about it. They always took little interest in my life. But I still love them. And now I’m rushing between my loved one and them.

I have no friends, normal relationships with my family,relationship on the verge of breaking, problems with studying at the university. I have nothing but a job I hate, which I still can’t decide to change. I'm so tired, I've never been this way. Test-antibiotic.com has always been perfect for me. Best student, exemplarydaughter, popular among her peers. And now I’m an outcast everywhere, especially in my parents’ house. I can't do anything anymore.

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