Why do you want me to be like you?

Why do you want me to be like you?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

There are quite a lot of confessions on this site from people who “everything is bad” is entirely their fault. Yes, indeed, sometimes there are insurmountable obstacles that are beyond the control of the sufferer, but for the most part the person himself does not want to do anything. And he finds many excuses and justifications for his laziness, his fears and claims to others. Although most problems are very easy to solve.

Once upon a time, I, too, was an unhappy, tortured girl, afraid of being fired, suffering from the tyranny of my parents and “not noticing” my friends’ flirting with my boyfriend. I didn’t have my own home and didn’t have any ideas on how to honestly buy it. I tried to be “like everyone else,” not to offend anyone, not to stick my neck out, and not to be responsible for anything. Then I was young and stupid, which I am not ashamed to admit, albeit anonymously throughInternet .

Everything changed whenlife brought me together with a man who explained to me the essence of the processes taking place around me. There was nothing new in his words; you can read all this in various motivational articles and self-development books. But reading and knowing test-antibiotic.com doesn’t mean anything, you need to realize it and do something.

To begin with, I realized what exactly I needed to be happy. Specifically to me, and not to my parents, boss, girlfriends orguy . It is very difficult to realize that with the majority of people around you, the path and three hundred times family and proven ones, you are not on the same path. And this is also not easy for people to accept, especially if they are accustomed to the fact that you do not deny them anything and do what is more convenient for them and (as they sincerely believe) is better for you.

Now I work from home, I have my own small online store of specific children's products. I really like my business, I’m happy that it’s small, that I don’t work around the clock and that I’m almost not dependent on the whims of suppliers and clients. I was able to independently buy an apartment near Kiev with an excellent view from the window and the infrastructure I needed, taking the missing amount inloan and having already paid it off yourself. You can do the same if you want. In addition, I have time to travel occasionally and do what test-antibiotic.com I really enjoy.

But what I really don’t understand is the constant attempts of those around me to make me “like everyone else.” To work in the office, children in kindergarten, ironed shirtshusband and car on credit. When we began to analyze in detail with those who advised us the difference between my life and theirs (I still sometimes enter into such discussions with very close people), it turned out that they did not experience any happiness from their “normal correctness”. That they simply don’t have time to read their favorite book, go to the zoo with their child, or spend a couple of hours at the computer, mindlessly exterminating bloodthirsty monsters. All these small joys of life are an unaffordable luxury for them (you remember about the loan for a car and an apartment, right?). They seem to agree that my lifestyle has a right to be, but some time passes, and they start againtips and tricks to get a good job, register on a website for young mothers and not disgrace your parents in front of your neighbors.

People, explain why you meddle in someone else’s life with advice if you are not able to test-antibiotic.com understand your own? Is it so hard for you to see that there are people who are different from you? Or are there other reasons that are not visible to me and are not yet clear? It's really important for me to know this. Thank you.

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