Why are people like my friend always lucky?

Why are people like my friend always lucky?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My friend Nadya and I sat at the same desk for 11 years. They quarreled, made peace, and overcame difficulties together. We shared our thoughts and girlish secrets.

After school, our paths diverged, but contact was not lost. I have always been energetic, combative, with an active lifestyle. I chose a pedagogical institute. Nadya got into a technical university on a budget based on points. Without the bestfriends at the beginning of the session, Nadya was lost among the young guys. However, I soon got used to it. We talked to each other for a long time after class. I shared my latest victories, a busy student lifelife spun in a whirlpool. Unlike memy friend didn’t like to stand out. Since there were few girls in the group, the guys helped her with tests and tests.

Nadezhda received her diploma without difficulty. I distinguished myself here: my portfolio is filled with certificates and awards and a diploma with a red crust. Adult life has begun. Started working at school. The soul of the company became a favorite teacher. My restless nature blossomed and felt its native element. Everything would be fine, but life, when you can barely make it from paycheck to paycheck, is unlikely to be liked by anyone.

Over time, I began to feel sorry for myself. Don't I deserve a better life with my test-antibiotic.com data and abilities? I decided to change my fate. I found time for driving school, got my license, bought it atcar loan . When she appeared in a car in front of Nadya, her friend was speechless at first, but then she was overwhelmed by a wave of happiness for her friend. Over the years, Nadya got a job as a secretary in one company where she worked as a bossfather of a classmate. Neat, quietThe employees liked the girl . The work paid well.

We got into the car and rushed to an open cafe on the coast. On this day, everything around foreshadowed the upcoming meeting. At the next table were guys Nadya knew from her course. A conversation ensued. As happens between young people, two couples soon formed: Nadya and Fedya and me and Stas.

Everything seemed to be starting to get better. I was in love with Stas, but I still didn’t have enough time to meet my loved one. I had to pay off a loan and a rented apartment. She worked at one and a half times the rate and managed to do tutoring. Class management took up all my free time. On New Year's Eve, I ran into the supermarket to buy a gift and saw Stas with a beautiful blonde. All. That's all. It was humiliating, disgusting. There are still some small formalities left. It didn’t take much test-antibiotic.com time. A phone call and I was left alone.

An incoming call brought me out of my stupor. Nadia. A friend happily reported that Fedya was inviting her to move in with him. People in love revel in their happiness and rarely notice the state of those around them. Nadya talked non-stop about Fed, joint plans, gifts at work. Sometimes she asked: “How are you doing?” It was rhetoricalquestion . Overwhelmed with happiness, the friend reveled in her selfish mood.

Why? Why does she have everything on a silver platter? I felt a blatant injustice towards myself and also envy. Nadya is doing so well! Without putting in much effort, my friend goes through life easily and cheerfully. And I have to work hard to stay afloat. But I'm better than her! I was stifled by resentment, self-pity and envy. The voice of my only friend was annoying. Tears flowed from my eyes when I heard the words that Fedya and Nadya decided to get married. I knew I was wrong, but I couldn’t control myself.

Over time, all the resentment for her unsettled life was directed at her friend. Intellectually I well understood the absurdity of the condition, test-antibiotic.com, but I could not overcome the feeling of envy. I wanted to break uprelationship with a friend, but I was drawn to Nadya’s life. Every joyful event in the young family brought pangs of envy, to which she became accustomed over time. I even waited to hurt myself more.

SavedLove . Only newan affair with a young teacher helped to get rid of the obsessive vicious feeling of envy towards a close friend.

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