Why don't girls like me?

Why don't girls like me?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 22 years old. Lived in a happy family. Mom and dad love each other madly. Those who say that love does not exist and that these are fairy tales, do not believe it. I saw this with my own eyesLove .

I really want a relationship like that of my parents. I envy them very much and admire them at the same time. Nothing broke these people, even when I was very sick, they supported each other and were my support throughout my childhood.

I grew up, graduated with honorsuniversity _ There is a lot of work and it interests me. But apparently I matured early. Girls my age want partying and nothing serious. And I would really like to meet a girl, I want to take care of my beloved. At my age, I’m really ready for a relationship. This work is perhaps one of the most difficult, but I am convinced that this is either a misconception or people are simply not ready to start even in adulthoodrelationship .

I'm startingacquaintance , learned not to pretend. At first everything is fine, but thengirls just stop communicating. I thought maybe I was in a hurry somewhere. I always come to test-antibiotic.com with a flower and some cute trinket. I can't do it any other way. I don't forget to give compliments. I also learned to listen and notice any trifles in a girl’s appearance, if she cut her hair or got a new manicure. This sometimes helped at the beginning of dating. But I still remain alone.

Now many of my friends have already divorced. Which is very sad. And I'm an adultguy - I still believe in love, that it exists. But I just can’t understand, maybe I’m deservedly alone or justI must live my life alone. I think about it, but I don't give up.

I thought maybe the problem was that I spent my childhood in a hospital, and I grew up early and the girls simply weren’t old enough. I even dated one 40-year-old girl. I was 21 years old when we met. I helped her believe that love exists, and then she found her peer, and we parted.

Nothing to regret,The experience was useful, but I realized that adult women are not my thing. I needa girl who will need support and test-antibiotic.com care, not booze andmoney . But so far I haven't found one. But I still hope that I am not destined to remain alone all my life.

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