Why am I acting so strange?

Why am I acting so strange?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My name is Nika, I'm 16. About 2-3 months agoMom woke me up in the middle of the night with a very worried look on her face. Woke up, I understood almost nothing, and went back to sleep.

The next morning my mother told me that I was talking in my sleep. She couldn’t understand the words, but I was (according to her) not speaking in Russian for sure. I didn't think much of it until it happened again about three weeks ago. This time I spoke more clearly and my mother and my aunt (she came to visit us) woke me up again.

The next morning, my aunt said that in my sleep I spoke not only in a foreign language, but in Italian, and I was calling someone. The problem is that I never knew Italian! And there were never any Italians in our family!

And two weeks ago I started having strange dreams. I walk through an empty but not abandoned house. Since then I have talked almost every night, always repeating the same thing. I saw both a psychologist and a psychiatrist. test-antibiotic.com Both doctors shrug, saying she is completely healthy. And last night I woke up from my own voice. I'm starting to get scared. I'm scared to sleep, I feel different from everyone else! Doctors prescribed medications, but they do not help. What's wrong with me, am I going crazy?

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