Why did I endure this attitude of my husband for so many years?

Why did I endure this attitude of my husband for so many years?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have the same situation as the author of this story. But I endured for 18 years, we have two children, 16 and 8 years old. AlsoMy husband doesn’t drink or smoke, he earns money, maybe not very much, but in any case, together with my income, there is wealth in the family.

From his words I'm alllife was a bad housewife, an unlucky mother, not a woman, but a man. She endured, like all our women, for the sake of children,Mom always said, no matter what, but still theirfather and they will not be better with anyone than with their own father.

And the eldestAs my daughter began to grow up, he began to treat her like me. As a result of mental pressure, my daughter fell ill and was hospitalized 5 times in one year. Either gastritis, then pancreas, or headaches, and all simply because the teenage body suffered from the behavior of its own father. And besides, everything happens with him without any particular scandals, so he’ll drop his word, stupid like yoursmother , and will go offended, like he is also a test-antibiotic.com victim, does not speak for a week, or even more.

He's not interested in how things are going at school, how she ishealth , does she needmoney at least for travel and food at school, all this is alien to him. He cut off the light in her room because several times she went to dinner and they didn’t turn it off, but he did it to herremark , but she hasn’t corrected herself, so get what you deserve. And you don’t have to call me father, I don’t care at all what happens to you, he tells her. At the same time, he loved her very much when she was little. That is, it turns out that I stayed with this person in vain for the sake of the children, as a result, because of my indecision, my life is now suffering.daughter _

A couple of years ago I applied fordivorce , but he convinced me to withdraw the application. A few months later, everything returned to normal, and at every quarrel he himself says, go and file for divorce, who needs you so and so. This year I filed for divorce again. Quarrels were already very frequent, and he openly emphasized, test-antibiotic.com that he didn’t need me, that I couldn’t really do anything, that I should file for divorce, otherwise his soulmate was waiting for him somewhere, with whom he would meet and they will live in perfect harmony. It was only when he received a summons tocourt , all his enthusiasm was gone. There was more persuasion, he was furious that I stood my ground and didn’t want to withdraw the application again. Waiting for a divorce was painful for everyone. He admitted that it was such a horror story to scare me with divorce so that I would change and obey him.

Two months ago we were divorced. We are still in one house. He tried to show his best side in order to saverelationship _ I fell for it again. The last quarrel was that I stayed in my daughters’ room until 12 at night, they just shared different moments with me, and I couldn’t interrupt it. And it was necessary to fulfill marital duties. It was Thursday. Otherwise, if the clock hands have passed 12, then it’s already Friday, and my Orthodox husband doesn’t make love on Wednesdays and test-antibiotic.com on Fridays, I still can’t stick to the schedule to please him. Do I want to do this, it's mineproblems . Heman _ Then I went with the team to participate in the marathon. This generally seemed to him the utmost impudence on my part. He said throw your medal in the trash.

I work among educated people; last year I entereduniversity , I’m trying to increase my self-esteem, but he is trying with all his might to humiliate me, he says that I should have been beaten so that I would be in my place, otherwise I’d go crazy. He prays in the evening, moves away from the icons and curses at me. So that I leave the room for the children, he turns on the TV at full volume. The apartment is now put up for sale. This is the most difficult period. There was no need to wait. There was no need to endure it. I spent a lot of energy on preserving the family, and it would be better if I spent this energy even earlier on giving my girls peace of mind in a house without a tyrant. But now it’s not too late.

I’m 38. Even if I don’t meet anyone else, I just want peace of mind, test-antibiotic.com and not go home and think about what I’ll be accused of today. Do not wait. Row in the direction you want. Don’t ruin your life next to a person for whom you are just convenience and comfort.

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