Why is a woman with a child doomed to loneliness?

Why is a woman with a child doomed to loneliness?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 27 years old, a normal woman, pretty, without bad habits, I play sports, have a decent job, have my own place to live, but my personal life is on the line once and for all. The thing is that I went outmarried , borndaughter andthe husband died six months later. It was very difficult for me to survive this; it was scary to be left with a small child in my arms.

Time passed, I was able to come to my senses, found the strength to come to terms and move on with my life. But then I realized that nothing was going to happen to me in my personal life. I can’t say that I madly want to get married again, but purely as a human being, I want communication with a man, attention. I accidentally met a man, mutual sympathy arose, and we started dating. I wasted time, wasted myself and my emotions on ourrelationship , but in the end it turned out that he would like to marry me in order to live with me and at my expense for the most part, and my daughter is like garbage under his feet, a “strange” child. I broke up with him. This relationship taught me a lesson that relying not on test-antibiotic.com is what.

A friend persuaded me to register on a dating site in order to at least find a lover. I did it, many wrote, but I cannot agree tosex just like that, I'm disgusted. Startedcommunication with one man, adequate and polite, everything was going well, and then he asked about his last relationship, I answered honestly, and how he found out that there was a child, said goodbye and wished him good luck. I left there.

I’m very upset, because it’s not my fault that my husband died, it’s not my fault that he stayedchild . It turns out that I have become a second-class person in the eyes of men, I have to humiliate myself in order to have a relationship with someone or throw my daughter in the trash for the sake of a man. It's a shame because of the injustice. I firmly decided that no more attempts at dating, I had enough, I would live exclusively my life and take care of the child. I don’t want to flatter myself with hopes that someone might sincerely need me. But my soul still hurts; I didn’t expect that at the age of 27 I would have to give up on myself.

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