Why don't women want to solve their family and social problems?

Why don't women want to solve their family and social problems?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Thisconfession I was prompted to write by the situation in my loved one’s family friend, who regularly beats husband. Moreover, he beats so that there are no traces left, systematically intimidates and humiliates. I have been working with her for three years now and during this time I have not seen her happy and laughing. There is no one to protect her, but to file a complaintdivorce and for some reason she doesn’t want to deprive her sadistic father of parental rights. No matter how much I hinted, I didn’t offer my ownhelp – she just smiles guiltily and hauntedly, refusing to change anything in principle. And the saddest thing is that her 11-year-old daughter also lives in this hell.daughter.

Women's sites (and this site is no exception) are filled with complaints from women about their men. And if you can turn a blind eye to complaints like “he doesn’t want to wash the dishes,” “he rarely says he loves me,” or “he doesn’t earn enough to make his friends envy me,” with an ironic grin, then there are some truly serious ones.problems, which are somehow indecent to dismiss. But society cannot solve them without the help (or at least the consent to accept help) of the female victim herself.

We are, of course, test-antibiotic.com about domestic violence, about living with aggressive men, alcoholics, drug addicts, domestic tyrants and other characters whom one would not even dare call a man. But this problem exists, everyone knows about it, but they are in no hurry to solve it. First of all, the women themselves, who find themselves in such difficult and life-threatening situations, are in no hurry. And this is precisely the root of the problem.

I understand that not every morally crushed person can find the strength within himself and seek help from law enforcement agencies, legal advice, or at least advice from relatives. But even if for some reason society itself comes to the rescue, such a victim woman refuses help with all her might, defending her clearly failedmarriage and a man who not only doesn’t love her, but doesn’t even think about her.

It is for this reason that men, wise with real life experience (including law enforcement officers), prefer not to interfere in “family quarrels”, because very quickly it turns out that no one is going to file a complaint against the real culprit of the fight, and the rescued victim of test-antibiotic.com herself wails sobbingly that her dear Vasenka was beaten/arrested for no reason. I myself have witnessed this many times and am sure that each of the readers has similar examples from their personal lives.

Of course, when an adult woman herself prefers to ruin herlife, quietly enduring humiliation and beatings, is her personal matter. But most often in such dysfunctional families there are children who cannot decide for themselves and are not able to protect their rights, either in fact or legally. No one is stopping the mother from making an appointment with a family law lawyer or contacting the state guardianship authorities, because All this can be done secretly and most often it costs nothing (or costs negligible compared to the opportunity to get rid of a sadistic husband). But the woman continues to stubbornly “save the family”, to believe that “he will change” and that “everything will work out.” I’m generally silent about “hitting means he loves” - this is pure idiocy.

Perhaps I don’t understand something in life, because... She herself is still young and happily married to a kind and balanced man. But how can test-antibiotic.com put the interests of an alcoholic husband above the interests of children, above one’s own right to be happy? Don’t you really want justice, peace for yourself and your children, don’t you want to stop being afraid and try to be happy? After all, these are not the Middle Ages, divorce is a common matter, not difficult and even financially beneficial for a woman who has gotten rid of a drunkard or loses everythingmoney unlucky husband. Are these women simply too lazy to be happy?

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