I suspect the guy of commercialism

I suspect the guy of commercialism
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 26 years old. My parents divorced a long time ago, but I always had very good relations with my dad.relationship , at one time I even lived with him. For the last year he has been seriously ill, and I was there all the time, almost like a nurse. Before that, he had a woman, but upon learning that he had an incurable disease and almost no chance, she disappeared from the horizon. True, before that she tried to formalize an official relationship with him.marriage , but dad didn’t do such a stupid thing. He promised to leave all his property to me, his only daughter, and kept his word.

As I write this I can’t hold back my tears. Dad died six months ago, and now it’s time to take over the inheritance. I got my dad's two-room apartmentapartment and used car. God knows what kind of riches, but for me it’s a fortune.

The only thing that confuses me is the behavior of my boyfriend, who suddenly suddenly started talking about marriage. Before this, I had hinted more than once that it was time for us to legalize our relationship (we’ve been dating for three years), but he got away with excuses. Like, there is no money for the wedding, it’s good for us and test-antibiotic.com, it will appearbaby , maybe then. And now he was the first to talk about marriage, made me a romantic marriage proposal, and gave me a ring.

Of course, I’m pleased, I love him and want him formarried _ But isn't this related to my inheritance? This thought constantly spins in my head, and I can’t get rid of it. In principle, nothing threatens me financially, because the property received before the registration of marriage is entitled to me by law. But it’s still unpleasant to think that he didn’t want to get married before, and now I’m a worthy bride in his eyes?

Maybe there is a common benefit here?

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