My Brother's Teenage Problems Disturbed the Whole Family's Peace

My Brother's Teenage Problems Disturbed the Whole Family's Peace
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My youngestmy brother entered adolescence a couple of years ago, but now he is 15, and it has escalated to the point of impossibility. I’ll say right away that we, the restfamily , we don’t worry too much about this. Except for my sister, who is 12 years old and very vulnerable.

It just so happened that they live in one large room in different corners. This may be wrong, they still grow up, but there is no choice. My brother became very interested in computer games. And really strongly, even I was not so stuck in his time.

He spends several thousand just on all sorts of trifles, sits around the clock, didn’t talk about anything except games during the entire vacation, constantly tries to improve the speed of his computer by rushing around hardware stores. I consider this a specific problem, but it’s okay, let him play, he’ll get tired of it sooner or later.

But he also constantly flies into a rage for no reason. He yells, hits everything (because of this, 2 phones and the monitor he threw at the wall have already broken), swears like a shoemaker. With my sister, who is 12 years old. Moreover, he swears at us too. And he doesn’t just insult, but wishes for death, threatens, throws punches. I know that these are just words. He's too cowardly to follow through on his threats. He tried to beat me a couple of times and it didn’t work. Now he just swears loudly, says “That’s it, you’re lost,” turns around and runs to the computer. But he lives with a vulnerable 12-year-old girl, whom he calls names every day and openly wishes her death.

No,my sister is not an angel either, but she needs support, for which she runs to me. But I don’t know how to influence this idiot anymore, because we tried with our fists, but talking didn’t help even in a comfortable environment. Sometimes he calms down for a couple of days and is completely normalThe guy , he’s even smart, seems to understand what you’re saying to him. And then everything goes in a circle. He just doesn't want to control himself.

By the way, his parents are aware, he yells at them, including his grandmother, without even a drop of respect. Maybe he doesn’t put meaning into these words, like the monkey, repeating what let’s players and gamers say, but he gives the whole family a tasty slap in the face with his behavior. Parents mainly try to explain to himeducation through threats and requests. I tried to talk about the consequences, remind him how he would end up at this rate, just find out the reason for the behavior. In the end I just started ignoring it. This is the most effective, but I couldn’t teach my sister. I don'tfather , I have no experience in parenting, but the elder’s duty is to straighten the younger’s brain. Moreover, my sister really feels bad because of this, she has nowhere to escape from the room, and this has been going on for more than six months.

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