My friend was like a sister to me

My friend was like a sister to me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My friend Marina and I have been friends since kindergarten. When we went to school, our parents asked that we not be separated and that we could study in the same class. We even sat at the same desk.

Everyone in the class admired our friendship. My parents are used to Marina and I studying homework together, either at my place or at hers. And if they bought toys for me, they bought them for my friend too. Her parents did the same.

It seemed that we would be friends all the timelife . My classmates joked that our friendship would only end if we fell in love with the same guy. But everything turned out to be much simpler, and at first I didn’t even believe that mya friend might do the same.

It all started with the fact that IOn my birthday I was given a kitten, which I had long dreamed of. It’s not that Marina didn’t like animals, but she never had them at home, and she didn’t want them. But I got used to it: in the village my grandmother always had both a cat and a dog, and I wanted to have at home.

How surprised I was when my friend said that there was no need for us to be friends anymore, because I now have a cat and that I now pay more attention to him than to her. She was angry and cried until I took the cat to the village to my grandmother. It didn’t matter to her that it hurt me to part with him.

But we were still friends as well, although I began to notice that we were good together as long as I, for example, got worse grades than her. It happened to usquarrel when I learned to do a manicure like in beauty salons and certainly better than Marina (she used to do my manicure, but now I could do it just as well). My parents said that this was childhood, but as you grow up you will make friends differently.

After graduating from school, we applied to one institute. I passed all the exams and got in, but Marina didn’t pass. And she started to get hysterical. According to her, like a real friend, I shouldn’t study there either. I had to tell my parents that I also didn’t get accepted, and we took the documents to another university. I went for it because my friend was likesister . And over all the years of friendship, I got used to giving in to her in everything.

In her third year, Marina met a guy, but she didn’t tell me anything and began dating him secretly from me. She was afraid that I, like her, would demand to communicate only with me.

A year later she had to say she was leavingmarried _ This was a complete surprise for me. I certainly couldn't be against this. But I was struck by the fact that she didn’t tell me and forgot that she herself wanted me not to date anyone until graduation, much less get married.

When I told her about this, I heard that she was not going to change her life because of me. I reminded her of all my concessions for the sake of our friendship, but in response I heard that she did not need such a petty friend. I didn’t go to her wedding and crossed out from my life forever.

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