Husband's girlfriend

Husband's girlfriend
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

II have been married for 6 years and have two children. Six months ago I began to notice thatmy husband lost interest in me: he tried not to touch me, he stopped calling, he could simply not talk for days, although we did not quarrel. Everything seems to be fine, I began to pay a lot of attention to the children, and I seem to be a nanny next to them, kissing and loving them, practically ignoring me.

A couple of months ago I began to notice some incomprehensible correspondence between him and his friend. It seemed like nothing special, just some jokes, they had existed before and it was no secret to anyone, but then something caught my attention, I found a scythe on a stone, as they say. I unexpectedly noticed that passwords had appeared on the computer and phone, which he now does not part with, by the way.

In general, one day I finally climbed both there and there. There was correspondence , but the messages were deleted, and there were calls, not many, but there were some. I lost my temper, called my friend, and demanded an explanation.

To which she received the answer that she didn’t owe me anything to explain. Like, he and I are just friends, we have our own topics of conversation and our own jokes. I say: “Like, you and I would be the bestfriends , but you communicate more with him.” The answer completely baffled me: “What am I to you?friend , and even the best? Don’t make things up, good friends, no more.” This was told to me by a person who was as close to me as possible, we shared all the intimate, secret details with each other... But still she promised to bringcommunication to a minimum. She has plenty of friends like him, but he seems to be the only one like him.

By the way, she has a strongfamily , but she always said that she didn’t lovehusband , but will never divorce. Her husband and mine are friends. So I’m not worried about physical betrayal. This will not happen, but their spiritual closeness really stresses and upsets me.

After that conversation, I went to my husband and directly asked whether he still loved me or not. The question made him very angry, and he did not want to answer it. After I insisted, he said he didn’t know. The second knockout for me, but I still decided to fight for him: I became a good girl, I do everything for him, unobtrusively and sweetly. And it seems like everything started to get better, there is a distance, but we talk, joke, and do something together.

Yesterday I decided to finally make sure that everything had worked out and the problem had disappeared. I went into his phone again - the same picture, the messages were deleted, there were calls from her and to her. This is what they havefriendship in which I have no place.

Should you make a scene or ignore it? I don’t know what to do, I’m afraid of ruining everything, but I don’t want to just wait to see what will come of it without my participation. I don’t want to be presented with a fait accompli, I want to fight for my family.

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