A friend rushed to get married, now she repents

A friend rushed to get married, now she repents
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Whenmy friend said she was going outmarried to a divorced man 19 years older than her, I was shocked. Irritably she said: “Why do you need an old grandfather?” She was very offended and replied that I just don’t know him, he doesn’t look his age, and she loves him. But I couldn’t understand what a twenty-six-year-olda girl can have something in common with a man who is almost the same age as her father!

They didn't have a wedding, so I saw my friend when she gave birthdaughter . She took me as the baby's godmother. I saw not a happy father, but a tired man who could pass for a girl’s grandfather, not a dad. The friend also did not look happy, she was tired and irritable. Later I found out the reason for all this.

It turned out thatmy husband told me that he hasapartment , position,money . At that time, he was suing his ex-wife; he told his friend that he was paying for half of the country house. In fact, they only had a one-room apartment, where the formerwife and daughter. He was trying to get money for his share of test-antibiotic.com; he had nowhere to live. As a result, his ex-wife was awarded minimal payments, which will last for a long time. And he works as an ordinary driver. The salary is not enough, the apartment is rented.

I'm sorry my friend. She herself is already repenting, she says that she was already planning to get a divorce when she found out thatpregnant ​I decided that it was better for the child to grow up in a complete family.

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