The friend is to blame for not being able to keep her husband

The friend is to blame for not being able to keep her husband
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I didn't have much friends at school, but I had a faithfulfriend , we lived in neighboring buildings, where our parents live to this day. I went through everything with my friend! They even studied at the same institute. Each of us had a party at our wedding; we experienced or celebrated divorces together.

Imarried twice, unfortunately divorced, two children from eachhusband . The fathers of the children communicate, pay child support,My relationship with my exes is good. I’m not a conflicted person at all, but I got divorced because my feelings went away. I looked on the side, since I couldn’t come to an agreement with my own people, in general, the men themselves are to blame. After my second divorce, I realized thatI don’t want to get married anymore, I’ll just date. At 34 years old, I look decent, which I am endlessly happy about; you can’t look at people my age without tears.

My friend after the first divorce,the husband left for someone else. It took her a long time to come to her senses, but then everything seemed to work out, she began to meet men and date. And one day she came to me with sparkling eyes, I was really hooked! They met on an airplane, she was on a business trip, and he was visiting his family. They began to communicate, meet, and he proposed to her. Everyone liked Igor, especially his parentsmy friend , I myself was sincerely happy for her. He accepted a woman with a child, does everything for this woman, is handsome, kind, but there is nothing to complain about.

Olya gave birth to a child, Igor, and went on maternity leave. I came to visit periodically, but not as often as before. Still smallchild and all that, no time to sit or drink, as they say, once a month was always enough for me, sometimes we called each other. I rarely saw Igor, he was always at work, we only met at the children’s birthday party.

And in September Igor had his anniversary, they celebrated forty years. Flew himdaughter from her first marriage, parents,sister and husband, we all gathered, everything is as it should be. At that time I was without a man, I broke up with the last one, I was married, I was tired of my schedules. And I thought, maybe at my friends’ holiday I might be able to meet someone, Igor’s friends were all very good

I prepared as needed, bought a red dress, and wore red lipstick. In fact, I wanted to please one friend, he was single, good-looking and had money, but everything happened completely differently...

There was a competition and I and the birthday boy, that is, my friend’s husband, participated in this competition. And there was such a moment, we had to hold hands and look into the eyes. At that very moment, I felt a trembling all over my body, and Igor’s palms were sweaty and he was breathing so heavily that everything became clear to us. They watched each other all evening, and he later told me when we met how much he wanted me. And the meeting took place just a couple of days later.

Igor himself wrote to me and offered to meet, or rather, give me a ride home after work. And then I wentcorrespondence and a strong desire for an intimate nature. And one day it happened and is still happening to this day. The first time it was embarrassing, but when it happened again and again, it was generally normal and not even scary that someone would find out. I thought that my friend was to blame herself; such a man should not have been missed. She's forI gained 25 kg during pregnancy , I let myself go even more during maternity leave, I constantly told her about this, but she kept repeating the phrase: “He loves me just like that.” They don’t like people like that, it’s all fairy tales. I walked myself beautifula man was walking and then suddenly looked at me, slim, attractive, interesting and always ready for sex.

I don’t know how long this will last, while I’m enjoying it, if I knew that Igor had all the fire with this matter, I would have attracted his attention to myself long ago.

I shared it with you because I can’t keep it to myself, namely that I fall in love with him, I miss him very much, I want to be with him, I want to see himevery day . I’m even starting to be jealous, although I understand who he’s jealous of! I’ve known Olya for a long time, she’s not a particular fan of 24-hour sex, she’s more of a cooking specialist. She even started posting all her culinary masterpieces on the social network, she didn’t really show herself off, she ate such sides...

I’m angry, yes I’m angry that this is the man I want to be with, but everything is as always, it’s not easy. Igor himself doesn’t know what to do, but children, or rather a joint child, andOlga's son from her first marriage became attached to Igor. We are confused, but for now everything is as it is and we live, but I feel that I won’t be able to do this for long.

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