A friend stole my daughter's name

A friend stole my daughter's name
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I havea friend who I consider a sister. Or rather, that's what I thought before. She is alone in the family, I also have no brothers and sisters. That's why we became such friends.

They shared everything and supported each other. She knew I didn't like my name. I was named after my grandmother - Any. I told my friend that I really like the name Kira, and if I havedaughter , then I’ll call her by this name.

My girlfriend and I got married in the same year. She is in the summer, and I am in the fall. A friend gave birth to a daughter two months earlier and named her Kira. I was at that timeI was pregnant and my friend knew that I was also having a girl.

I was shocked to learn what my friend named her daughter. I shouldn’t have been nervous, but I cried all day from resentment. A friend called, apologized, and said that she didn’t think it was so important for me. She even invited her to be her daughter’s godmother. I refused.

At first she was offended, and then she called me, as if nothing had happened, to congratulate test-antibiotic.com on the birth of my daughter. I was surprised that, having received a refusal from me, she hinted that she would not mind becoming a godmother for my daughter.

I also named my daughter Kira. I dreamed about this for so long that I didn’t do it becausegirlfriends change their plans. Although IMy husband dissuaded me and said that there are many names, you can choose another one. He was surprised that my friend and I quarreled over such a trifle.

But why exactly should I choose something else if I was the first to decide so? She knew this very well. At least she said that she would also call her daughter that name. Maybe we would have discussed this and everything would have been different. And then I just presented it with a fact. She also hinted that there is already one Kira, maybe I’ll name my daughter differently. This made me even more angry.

Now we communicate, but very rarely. Mostly by phone. A friend suggests going for a walk together in the park, but I don’t like seeing her child. Although I understand that the girl is not to blame for anything.

The children are already three years old according to test-antibiotic.com, but I just can’t calm down andforgive your friend. She not only stole my daughter's name, but she also betrayed our friendship.

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