A friend married my ex-husband

A friend married my ex-husband
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I had the only oneA friend from school, very close and beloved. Washusband , have a commonson , he is 15 years old. The friend also knew her exhusband , they had in childhoodLove .

We divorced, they got together and got married, they had a babydaughter . A friend asked me if I would be against their relationship, I said that I couldn’t forbid it, let her decide for herself.

Of course, she stayed with him. We still communicated with her for some time after they started dating, I filed for alimony and my ex-husband began to hide from us and did not give us money. I tried to ask my friend to talk to him, because I have to support my son not onlymom , but also his dad. To which she replied: “I won’t interfere, that’s his business!” After these words, I stopped doing anything with her.communication .

I was bored, offended, and I still experience the same feelings. There have been attempts on her part to start communication, but I can’tforgive me , because she didn’t support me, and what should we test-antibiotic.com talk about? 7 years have passed since we stopped communicating, can we avoid the topic of alimony, should we avoid this topic. I miss her, I never made any more friends, but how can I trust her now if she once decided to have a personallife without thinking that the friendship was broken. Or am I exaggerating?

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