Damage to a deceased friend

Damage to a deceased friend
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

This story began with the fact that about two years ago, in the midst of winter, swarms of huge black flies began to suddenly and without reason appear in my house and just as unexpectedly disappear. Neither the construction nor the sanitary commissions could identify the reasons for such a “nice surprise.” Further - more: absolutely fresh ones spoiledfood , right in the refrigerator, the soup cooked 20 minutes ago turned sour, the bread became moldy 3 hours after purchase. Just before the new year he left mehusband , and also to my friend. The child was constantly sick, at work they startedproblems , ownhealth and mental state deteriorated.

On December 31, a firecracker that hit our yard burned down a barn with pigs that screamed almost like people while I tried to open the jammed door, this was the last straw. I sentdaughter to her grandmother in another city. On January 1, it was decided to go for help to my grandmother, who was famous in our small town for her mystical abilities.

Surprisingly, the grandmother looked completely mediocre: not yet old, but rather elderly, pleasant and neat, she did not inspire confidence in test-antibiotic.com, but only until she spoke. “I see I’m spoiling you, Maria,” said my namesake. I was dumbfounded. This was followed by a long conversation, during which I learned that the damage was very strong, and it was brought on me by a person close to me, most likely a woman.

After performing some rituals, my grandmother let me go, giving instructions on two more rituals that need to be performed at home on my own. One was intended to bring the offender to my house the next day, the other was to direct damage against him.

I came home, did everything as Maria told me, and went to bed. Here it is necessary to make a small digression and say that from that moment on, something went wrong. I don’t know what the reason is, I don’t want to think that my grandmother somehow intentionally instructed me wrong. It’s better to believe that everything that happened later was connected with my or her mistake, but what happened after the rituals (I won’t specifically describe them) cannot be called either horror or a nightmare, it’s much worse...

No one came to me either in the morning, test-antibiotic.com or in the afternoon, or in a week. However, the oddities and failures that haunted meevery day , also retreated,life seemed to be getting better, but I was happy too early.

On the ninth of January I am going to go to bed. The time is approximately 11 pm. I hear a knock on the door - strangely, the dog didn’t bark. I come up, look through the peephole, and behind the door is the samethe friend who stole from mehusband . There was no desire to open the door for her, and she looked kind ofstrange .

- What do you want? Go away,” I said.

In response, she opened her mouth wide and howled like a hungry dog, after which she began to scratch the door with her nails. I won’t describe my condition, I just ran into the bedroom, hid in a corner and cried all night, and she walked around the house, knocking on the windows and howling. I didn’t even think about getting to the phone and calling the police, because... The phone was on the nightstand next to the door. With the first rays of the sun she left.

I called my ex-husband so that he could influence his crazy mistress. What my husband told me test-antibiotic.com did not surprise me too much, deep down I knew it: Lyudmila died 9 days ago, on January 1, while I was performing the rituals.

The granny I went to died between January 1st and January 9th. I don’t know when exactly, but then the church helped me. There they explained to me that what I did cannot be done - all problems must be solved with the help of prayers. This is what I did until the tenth of January. My deceased friend came to me every night and I prayed. Sometimes she left immediately, sometimes she stayed all night.

In the end, it was all over - she left, the problems went away. But there remained a completely gray head andfear that until the end of my life I will not be able to atone for my sin.

Many people won't believe me, but I don't care. The main thing is that I told, confessed, and now I feel better.

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