Vicious circle of laziness

Vicious circle of laziness
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My name is Andrey, I’m 17 years old and I’m fed up with... my laziness. Must end her. This is how mine passes bylife _

Every evening I realize that I lived a terribly bad day, because of this my soul is heavy. And I begin to actively think about how to change (now such an epiphany). I start planning the next day and go to bed with a heavy heart and Napoleonic plans.

The day starts at the wrong time: I don’t get up when I planned, and if I go to school, I’m late. But my hope of living this day well has not yet died! I come home from school and again do something different from what I had planned - I sit down at the table and turn on the computer. I think: there is still time, I can play a little, chat on VK. And time goes by! It’s already evening, I haven’t done anything, I have to go to bed (usually later than planned), before I fall asleep I’m planning the next day in order to live it better. And everything goes in circles.

I don't want to live this life, I want to change. But how? How to get all the crap out of your head? How to develop willpower? Please advise me something, comrades, otherwise I’ll get completely lazy and just play with tanks all the time.

I look forward to your answers!

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