After a bad marriage I'm afraid of everything

After a bad marriage I'm afraid of everything
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm 30, he's 47 years old. There is a beautifuldaughter , who is 3 years old. I was in a civil marriage: at first we lived together for six months and separated, and when the child was 2 years old, we decided to try to live for the sake of our daughter. The reason for my first departure was that he did not want to registermarriage , did not register me and the child with him. Scandals, fights, reproaches... After 2 years he took us away and we started living together. And I immediately went to work. I left my daughter with my mother, because... housemy husband was very far from the city.

It lasted for 3-4 months and everything started back: fights, reproaches, etc. We lived like this for a year. For the first 3 months he did everything for the family, helped me, and I helped him then, I couldn’t be happier, I was happy that I hadfamily ,husband , child...

Then he moved in with ussister _ And the quarrels began. He began to teach me how to live correctly, insulted me that I was bad, that I was constantly tired. He spent little time with the child. It lasted for 30 minutes - and that’s it, he started to get nervous,swear at me because it takes me so long to cook or clean up.

It became unbearable to live like this. When he bought me something, a week later he reproached me and counted how much he spent on me and my daughter. If I started to defend myself, he beat me.

I asked him the question many times: why do you live with me? If you hate me? A person loved me for a week, hated me for a week. He made me feel humiliated all the time.

Once we went to a restaurant as a family. He ordered food for himself and his daughter. And he forbade me from ordering anything for myself. I was offended, but I couldn’t get up and leave. A small child does not understand anything.

He always said: “I’m so brave that I married you, so scary.” Although it’s the other way around: with my figure, everything is different from nature; in my school and student years I took first places in beauty contests, etc. And he himself weighs 43 kg, in appearance he looks like a dystrophic person.

After another scandal and beating, I packed my things, took my daughter and left. It's been a month since I left. He receives threatening text messages and calls. There is a strong resentment in my soul. I don’t know how to survive. Will I be able to get married? Does it exist at all?love and respect? Does anyone with a child need me? I really feel insecure after all his actions. And I began to be afraid of everything.

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