After what I found out, I lost trust in my husband.

After what I found out, I lost trust in my husband.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I met a guy. Before him, I dated guys, I won’t say there were many of them, and there was nothing serious. And then I met him; he came only after the army. We started dating, and everything just started happening between us. As a result, we dated for 6 years.

All sorts of things happened during this time, but there were no serious quarrels. And we have common interests, there was always something to talk about. But we didn’t get married and didn’t live together. We just met, slept (he hadapartment ). And then he was finally ready for marriage. I don’t know what made him get married (either the time had already come, and there was no point in delaying, or his parents insisted).

And we got married. And now three months of our life together had passed, and everything was even better than before we met. But in terms of intimate relationships, everything has changed for the worse. And somehow I decided to look at his search history. I’m not paranoid and I don’t like all this, but was torn apart and seemed to say that there was something to watch. And he looked at the pages of his exes, just girls he knew or studied with. But in addition to the pages of real girls, he also visited porn sites while I was not at home or I was going somewhere.

It was very unpleasant. There was a conversation anddisappointment in him. He promised not to climb the pages of those same girls and to improve his intimate life. Regarding adult sites, we decided that this was the norm for men and closed the topic; there was no cheating! I forgave this moment and began to move on with my life, as they say, but from time to time this feeling crept into me that I had already been betrayed once, and right after the wedding. No, enjoy each other, but he looked to the left.

I climbed in again, not finding anything criminal, I decided to look through the folders and look at photos of my past life. And I came across a folder where he saved the links of these girls. I got angry again and thought why am I putting up with all this and how paranoid I am looking for something and decided, no matter how painful it is, to offerdivorce _ Let's go our separate ways and live as we want. At the same time, everything was fine in terms of relationships, he helped me cook, clean and gave me expensive gifts. But there is no fire between us or something, we are like good friends who understand each other.

I did everything for him, breakfast in the morning, and accompanied him to work and tried not to strain him, so that he could rest, and gave him time for his leisure time, if you like to play on the computer, so play, please, the main thing is not to drink or go out. I thought if you give care andlove , then you will receive the same in return. But no. And then I read on the website that this is how you turn into his mother, and therefore all feelings cool down. But I tried! Although I waspregnant by him, but was still ready to leave. Because feelings for each other are important to me. Warmth and tenderness of relationships, and not the consumer attitude of an egoist.

Yes, perhaps it’s her own fault for spoiling her. But he took all this with hostility and said: “You’re going to give birth soon, what kind of scam? I love only you, and I will always love you. I was stupid. Sorry. I’ll change, you’ll see.” And that is all. I forgave again and went to give birth. I gave birth and everything seemed normal again. And out of boredom, I went back into this story, thinking that I was unlikely to find anything. Life has taught him to delete everything and play it safe. But no, one day I found a request on the topic of girls of easy virtue (he was looking for phone numbers). And this was before I had to give birth, while I was lying there and suffering, he was looking for them.

He came home from work and we again had a conversation, where I simply urgently demand a divorce. He’s all down, making excuses that he wasn’t looking for it for himself and that he won’t give a divorce. But how to believe after so many times and conversations? And here it is. How can I know the truth about how it was there? Were these girls also at our home? Is this all for a friend of But after I was discharged, he kept telling me that our intimate life would change and become much more colorful. Even at that moment I thought why all of a sudden. And then it turns out that there was such a request.

I gave him time to fix oursrelationship , but actually gave myself time to think about what I should do. Ruining life and everything that we have acquired and had in the hope of finding something better or justforgive , perhaps something that didn’t even happen. I'm at a loss. But I know for sure that I don’t treat him as warmly as before. But he’s not bad either. Not partying and not drinking. Homehusband , but with his cockroaches, as it turned out.

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