After my husband hit me, I will no longer be able to love him as before.

After my husband hit me, I will no longer be able to love him as before.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Something unexpected happened to me in my family -my husband hit me. I used to think that this couldn’t happen to me, because my husband is a wonderful, loving person andfather of our two children. His character is despotic and I immediately understood and accepted it, I’m soft, so we immediately decided that he would be the leader in our family.

I was away for 5 yearsmarried to her husband, decisions were always made together, he always consulted, but the final word always remained with him. We hardly quarreled and often laughed at the families of friends we knew, who were always sharing something, arguing because we didn’t have it. We lived very amicably, and if there were minor quarrels, they usually ended in one day. I simply apologized and said that I loved him, because what difference does it make who is to blame, peace in the family is more valuable?

And yesterday this happened. For nothing. They just didn’t share the headphones, he took them away rather rudely, and I said he was crazy. Then he grabbed me by the ear and almost tore it off, the entire pillow covered in blood, pressed my head to the bedside table and hit me. The worst thing is that our four-year-old son saw this, and for him ourfamily ideal. I screamed and woke updaughter (she’s 10 months old), I don’t remember everything well, but I left. In the morning he went to work, and I was at home with the children and this situation.

I do not know what to do? Pack up and leave? File for divorce? Stay and play the silent game? The apartment is shared, we bought it while married, but he won’t leave, that’s 100%. I do not know what to do? I will never be able to respect him the same way again. This is the end?

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