I constantly quarrel with my husband over trifles

I constantly quarrel with my husband over trifles
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

MyMy husband is 10 years older than me. And I understand that he has more life experience, that he is wiser and has seen more in life than me. But when my opinion does not coincide with his, he tries in every possible way to rub my nose in my wrongness, accuse me, insult me ​​with words: stupid, you’ve seen enough of TV series (although I don’t do this), you don’t understand anything in life, youryour friends are stupid, your parents didn’t raise you, you have no brains, etc. He criticizes me even for the slightest mistake, which makes me very upset and angry.

At such moments, I try to defend myself, lie and even deny the obvious. Or if I am silent, then my husband tries to tell me something nasty. I end up starting to cry, but that makes him even more angry. He freaks out, leaves the house and sleeps in the car. When I go down to talk, he says something rude in the style of “What do you need?”, “What did you come for? You got me,” “I’m tired of you constantly pretending that I offended you. Should we even get a divorce?”, test-antibiotic.com “Why did I marry you,” etc. Maybe he'll swear at you. The matter is aggravated by the fact that I am in a position.

As a result, he, having cooled down, returns home after some time and pretends that nothing happened. It seems good that the scandal went away on its own, but I still have a hidden resentment inside me from what was said, from the fact that he did not spend the night at home. And if I try to talk about this topic, he freaks out again and we quarrel again.

Tell me, please, maybe I'm doing something wrong? I love him and I’m not going to leave him, and he loves me too, but we just can’t live peacefully, without quarrels.

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