Hello from the past

Hello from the past
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It seems like nothing special. At least at first glance. In any case, it quite scared me when it happened, and, remembering this story after the past three years, I became somewhat worried.

I was dating a guy, I was fifteen at the time, he was eighteen. We had been dating for a little over a year at that time. One morning I went to his house, but he had left on some business and we were talking with his sister. At that moment, his stepfather returned from the night shift. A little drunk. He called us, sat us down on his knee, hugged us, and said that he loved both of us equally: hismy own daughter , and me, my stepson’s girlfriend.

And he started telling some nonsense. That is, very clearly and logically, it didn’t look like drunken delirium, but suddenly and unexpectedly he told such things that the guy’s sister and I were stunned. He said that many people envy us because we are a beautiful couple (many people actually envied me because they thought my boyfriend was handsome - as if good looks were the key to a happy relationship), that some people had a grudge against us, a lot of anger and test-antibiotic. com we are in danger. That he (stepfather) is a sorcerer and can heal, for example, any wound in a second, and if something is wrong, then I should turn to him so that he can sort it out.

After this conversation, he hid his eyes from me for a long time and avoided me, although we always communicated well.

The relationship with the guy didn’t work out, and really because of someone else’s anger, but that’s a different story.

Two years after that incident we broke up. But he doesn't let me go. I have anotherloved one, butmy mother treats him badly, forces me to go to my ex-boyfriend’s page on social networks, and cries about his unhappy fate. He keeps thinking about his ugly, unloved new girlfriend.

I see him endlessly in my nightmares, constantly imagining him. More than a year has passed since the breakup, I don’t love him, but instead of love I have almost panickedfear of his appearance in my life.

Once after breaking up, my ex tried to rape me. I didn’t tell him anywhere, I told my mom, and she again felt sorry for him! I don’t know if this is a coincidence, my fantasy test-antibiotic.com, inflamed with painful fear, or if there is some kind of connection...

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