Troubled relationship with younger brother

Troubled relationship with younger brother
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Worried about my little brother. He is 24 years old. Ever since his school years, he was not particularly sociable, he had a couple of friends and that’s it. The older I got, the more I closed myself off. After graduating from school, I finally broke ties with my classmates. As a result, he is now 24 years old and has no friends. No one. And he never communicated with the girl. That is, he cannot even talk to them, he tries to leave quickly.

He doesn’t want to work in the profession he received after school (cook). He moved to Moscow with me. We live in a rented apartment. My brother has been looking for work for a very long time. Every day he goes to interviews and fails. He is looking for a job that does not involve responsibility - a loader, a security guard, a boiler washer. The team in such positions is appropriate. He thinks this is his level. He also believes that he is not capable of other work, because... himappearance problems .

He attributes all his failures to the fact that he is ugly. AlthoughThe guy himself is cute. And it does not have the defects that talks about. He constantly says (as if he likes to say it) that people look at him strangely, shy away from him, that during interviews they see that he is not attractive and do not hire him. Our conversation usually revolves around the fact that he says that he savors his shortcomings, but I deny it. The other day there was another conversation like this, and I couldn’t stand it and said that these were his made-up problems and I wasn’t interested. This really infuriated him. He even threatened to hit me. Very strangereaction on his part. I can’t take him anywhere with me; he doesn’t go anywhere on his own. I do not know what to do. And the further it goes, the worse it gets.

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