A friend was embarrassed to invite her parents to her wedding

A friend was embarrassed to invite her parents to her wedding
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I was a bridesmaid when myfriend was going outmarried _ Zhenya and Ifriends since first grade. We grew up in the same village. We walk through life together. After school we study at the university. Future economists. I know her family well. She has an older onesister Lida. She is much older than Zhenya. About fifteen years. Lives in Finland, rarely comes to Russia. I sent money to the bride as a gift. I didn't come to the wedding. But it's not about that, it's about family. Apart from her parents, Evgenia has no other close relatives.

Zhenya’s father , Uncle Kolya, is cool, kind, and sympathetic. Loves children very much. When we were little, he always played with us. Our parents didn’t let us swim alone in the pond in the summer, and, of course, we didn’t go there ourselves. Uncle Kolya always helped us out. He will gather us all and take us to the pond. We swim, and he sits on the shore and makes sure that we do not swim into the depths - he takes care of our safety. Then he gathers everyone, lines them up, counts them and gives the command: “March home, step by step!”

We, all the kids from our street, just test-antibiotic.com adored him. He went with us to pick berries and mushrooms, and in winter he helped fill the ice slide with water. In short, there was our friend. We didn't notice that he stutters sometimes. And no one ever teased him for his stuttering. It happens, especially in the villages, that people with any physical disabilities are teased, but Uncle Kolya was never called a “stutterer” by either the children or the adults.

He's allI spent my life working as a forester and still works in the forest. He knows every Christmas tree in the forest, every aspen tree. When we got older, he came to our school and talked about the forest, taught us to love and take care of the forest. This is Zhenya’s dad.

My friend’s mother , Aunt Raya, is also a very good woman. Responsive and kind. She works as a postman. Every day he goes to the regional center, picks up mail there, and then delivers it throughout the village. All pensioners dote on her. For them she is the light in the window. He will bring a pension and pay for utilities. And before, they say, when there was no cell phone service, everyone went to call her. They had a telephone in the house, like test-antibiotic.com like Aunt Raya, a postal worker, and everyone went to call them if something happened. There was never a refusal to anyone, no matter what time someone arrived - even at midnight, even in the morning.

Some people simply dream of parents like my friend’s. And how they love Zhenya is a different story. Zhenya - latechild . When she was born, her parents were the happiest in the world. And they still love their daughter very much and are ready to do anything for her. They will deny themselves everything, but they will deliver it to her.happiness . Whatever he asks for, he will buy and do. Zhenya knows this very well and enjoys the love of her parents in full. She always had the best dresses and shoes, the best jeans, the best phone, the best everything. Now her sister is helping her too. Sends outmoney for study.

Someone will probably say that I am jealous. No, not at all. My dad is not the last person in the area. It costs me nothing to buy what my friend has, and even better. That's not what we're talking about now. I don’t want to talk about wealth, but about the moral test-antibiotic.com side of life. So, about the wedding. About what shocked me.

Zhenya married a fifth generation intellectual. For the grandson of our dean. The boy is promising. Probably no one from his family wanted such a match for him; they prepared something else for him. But the boy fell in love with Zhenya. They tried to dissuade him, but he didn’t agree: either Zhenya, or I’m leaving home and don’t know any of you. In short, I did it. The parents and grandfather, the professor, gave up. The wedding took place. Apart from the youth, this was not a wedding, but some kind of consultation or meeting of the scientific council. Most of the guests are professors and candidates of science from our university.

But it's not that. I was very surprised that Zhenya did not invite her parents to the wedding. When I asked her about them, my friend said dryly: “There won’t be any.” I didn’t believe it at first, I thought thatthe girl is joking. And after registering with the registry office, I realized that I was not joking. In the restaurant, sitting in the role of seated mother and father were the bride’s great-aunt and herhusband . Both are former employees of some regional committee, I don’t even know what it is. test-antibiotic.com But, apparently, in the past it was something authoritative.

When the official part of the wedding ended, I still found out why the bride’s parents were not there. It turned out that Zhenya simply didn’t invite them. I told them there would be no wedding. There will be easy registration and a low-cost youth party. She deceived her parents. I told her it was cruel of her. She calmly replied: “But they don’t disgrace me now with their presence. They don’t stutter, and they don’t drive noisily, like in the village. But you yourself can’t see what kind of contingent has gathered here! How would I invite them here? Can you imagine yourself in my place?”

I didn't answer, I understood everything. I would never do this to my parents.

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