Past relationships haunt me

Past relationships haunt me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Now I'm 28 years old, I havehusband and child and, as it seems to me, I am happy and in my life there is everything that is needed for happiness. But six months ago he wrote to mea guy who can’t even be called an ex.

We met when I was 16 years old and he was 17. After a couple of weeks of our acquaintance, he turned 18 years old. At the time we met, I was going through a very terrible period in my life - myfavorite guy. He was my first love and remained in my heart forever. This new acquaintance brought me back to life.

The first two weeks we were just friends: evening walks, car rides and many, many sincere conversations. And on one of those days, he invited me to be not just friends, but to try to buildrelationship . He approached this topic very carefully, he knew how hard it was for me. And I made up my mind.

We all also walked and rode. Nothing has changed, only kisses appeared in our relationship. Until late at night we sat in the car, looked at the stars and talked, talked, talked... We didn’t go further than kissing.

So another two weeks passed, and one day he arrived sad. He was silent for a long time, looking at one point, I could not understand what was happening and did not recognize the talking boy. And then he turned to me and said: “I received a summons, maybe we can break up?” I laughed and cried, hugged him, said that he was a fool. I had no doubts, I decided for myself that I would wait.

Another week has passed. All this time we did not raise the topic of the army, he was very worried, and as I understood, it was unpleasant for him to talk about it. I knew the date of the farewell, but no one invited me there. And then the day of farewell came, I was at school, but I couldn’t think about anything except that he was leaving for the army tomorrow, and he didn’t even call me. I thought that he had decided everything for himself. When the lectures ended, I went home and saw him. He stands, leans on the car and looks at me. In general, I received an invitation. The farewell was fun and sad at the same time. I was told, you don’t owe me anything, if you wait - good, no - that means no.

And so the days of waiting began (at that time they served for two years). The letters we wrote were, in general, romantic. 8 months of his service passed, and I stopped receiving letters. I learned from friends that he writes to everyone, sometimes even calls. I talked with the guys of my deceased boyfriend, he also knew them, everyone supported and reassured me. I haven't started any new relationships.

These two years of his service passed, I finished my studies and went to work. Of course, I grew up and every year the resentment and a lot of questions grew. And then during working hours the phone rings, I answer, but I can’t talk for a long time. I hear a voice that is familiar and at the same time alien, as if nothing had happened: “Hello, I’m back!” If only you knew what I experienced at that moment. And joy, and sadness, and anger - all at once. We agreed to meet in the evening. I arrived, but they couldn’t say anything to each other, they just stood there, looked at each other and that’s ourcommunication is over. I was very offended and could not get over myself, but, as it turned out, he had his own reasons. But they didn’t bother to find out anything and went their separate ways. Since then there have been some random meetings, but we have never tried to find out anything.

More than 10 years have passed. And six months ago he asked to be a friend on social media. networks. Of course, I was surprised. Now Imarried , he is also in a serious relationship. Knowing yourhusband and his reaction, I couldn’t add him as a friend, but I wrote and asked what the reason was. We corresponded a little and again without touching on the past. We agreed to meet whenever possible.

And so I came with my child to visit my parents, and he wrote that we could meet. We met and didn’t talk for long, but what I found out, of course, shocked me: he stopped writing because my besta friend called and said that I was dating another guy, and asked her to tell him about it.

This is how it happens in life. After this conversation, changed me: I constantly think about him, I think that if we had found out everything then, we probably would have been together. Now we don’t communicate with him, but I want toregain his friendship. I love my husband, our child, I don’t want to ruin anything. How can I get him out of my head?

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