My girlfriend's past turned out to be not so perfect

My girlfriend's past turned out to be not so perfect
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I met a girl, mutual feelings, we started dating. Together for 1.5 years. The girl is smart, caring, affectionate, loving.

One day I came across her phone number. In it, I accidentally came across a period tracking program. Every day there were marks there, I asked her what a mark like a heart meant. She said it was sexual acts. So, the devil pulled me to scroll through the calendar in the program before we met, and oddly enough, I found dates with hearts there, I couldn’t resist and clicked on the date. After that I saw thatsex was without protection.

After what I saw, mylife turned upside down. Before I met her, I had never slept with anyone, although there were long periodsrelationships , that's what it iseducation , I couldn’t do anything about it. I don’t know, I feel somehow uneasy, my thoughts haunt me. Yes, we have a modern society, European values, etc., but I can’t do anything about myself.

Maybe someone can tell me how to calm myself down? Should we accept this as normal? Leaving her is not an option for me - I love her very much. I know it's me, but I have no idea what to do.

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