Forgive me, my love!

Forgive me, my love!
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have experienced this story many times in my dreams. She doesn't give me peace. I told it only to those closest to me, expecting not consolation, but support. And I know: mineguilt , my grave sin will remain with me throughoutlife .

It all started extremely banal: an ordinary officialnovel . Two young, cheerful people seeking happiness. Yes, we met at work, we were united by a common project. And then I realized how hard it is without him and how easy it is with him.

The story I want to tell started about 2 years ago. By that time, we had already lived together for several years and were thinking about getting married.

One day my ex showed up at my work. He began to directly hint at renewing the relationship, which I did not want to listen to. I tried to kick him out of the office, but it didn’t work out that way. He just attacked me. In general, when my friend came to see meguy , he saw an unambiguous picture. I tried by hook or by crook to fight off my ex, but from the outside it clearly didn’t look like that.

But I did the most stupid thing next. Instead of making excuses, I began to shout at the guy and attribute to him his non-existent infidelities. I probably remembered his look for the rest of my life. His last glance in my direction. Those eyes full of pain and disappointment... He left the office, and I remained there, not knowing what to do.

I haven't seen him for a day. And then I found out that I would never see her. A colleague told me that when he left me, he was seen in a bar, and then he got behind the wheel... The last trip of his life. He will never open his eyes again. And I'm the only one to blame for this.

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