Sorry for the happiness, mom!

Sorry for the happiness, mom!
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My name is Natalia, I am 36 years old and I decided to confess, pour out all thatthe pain and bitterness that have haunted me all these long and difficult 20 years. This is how long I have not communicated with my dearest person, my mom. On March 22, my mother will turn 60 years old, and not only will I not be able to see her, but I will not be able to tell her that I love her very much, even over the phone.

And everything in the story that happened 20 years ago, everything changed in an instant and forever. In 1993, I was 16 years old and finishing 10th grade. I grew up as a calm child, raised aloneMom , dad died when I was not yet alive. Mom allI spent my life working in medicine, sometimes as an ambulance doctor, sometimes as an attendant in traumatology. She stretched out with all her strength, I helped as much as I could, I would clean the house, or wash things, the entire garden and housekeeping was on me. I was very attached to my mother and could never imagine that one day everything would change.

Since first grade I had a best friend, even more than a girlfriend, almostsister . We shared with her the most intimate things in life and, in fact, she was the only person to whom my mother could let me go without any problems, even for a couple of days with an overnight stay.

One weekend, Tatyana (my friend’s name) and I were invited to a student dormitory to celebrate the birthday of one of her friends. Of course, we agreed, the hostel greeted us with joyful shouts and loud music. The room where the celebration took place was very smoky. Since not all the invitees had arrived yet, we were asked to just sit on the bed. About half an hour later, a cheerful company burst into the room. Among all the guys, one stood out, not tall, dark-haired. During the whole evening he never drank or danced, and when I got ready to go home, he volunteered to accompany me.

We met Igor (that’s the guy’s name) almostevery day , he was then 19, he was studying in architecture. I was very interested in him. No, don’t think about it, we didn’t allow ourselves adult liberties, we just walked, walked, he read poetry to me, drew my portraits. After a month of festivities, I decided to introduce Igor to his mother.

At first she really liked Igorek. He came to help us with the housework, but after half a year, everything changed, my mother kicked Igor out and told her not to see him even next to me. She forbade me to go out for a walk, I didn’t know what was wrong, why my mother’s mood had changed so much. Then I realized that I felt something more for Igor thanfriendship . We met with him secretly, under the pretext of giving Tanya a book, I ran on a date with Igor. Of course, Tanya was aware.

And one day, when Igor and I were sitting on a bench in the park, my mother appeared in front of me. As I remember now, she was in a dressing gown with disheveled hair. Next to my mother stood my friend, who, as it turned out later, told my mother about us, and she felt a sense of envy. Mom stood, looked at me, and a tear ran down her cheek. She wiped away her tears and said that I had betrayed her, that she no longer had a daughter, turned around and left. I followed her, I didn’t understand why she was offended, I cried, I asked her to stop, she got on the bus and left.

An hour later I arrived home, my mother was at home, but she didn’t open the door for me. I knocked and screamed, but my mother was adamant. When night came, I didn’t know where to go and came to Igor at one in the morning. I never went home again; my mother cut me out of her life. So in one day I lost two of the closest people.

Igor’s parents accepted me as their own, and Igor’s younger sister Nastya shared her things with me for the first time. Nadezhda Ivanovna (Igor’s mother) always said: “It’s okay, make peace, mom will get a little angry, and make peace.” A week later I went to her work, but to no avail.

After 3 years, Igor and I got married, I brought my mother an invitation to the wedding, but she never came. A year later, my eldest daughter, Dasha, was born. When the little girl was 4 years old, she and I were walking in the park and I saw my mother. We approached her, and I said, “Mom, look, this is your granddaughter.” She turned to me, smiled sweetly and said that I had made a mistake, hermy daughter died almost 9 years ago, turned around and left.

A year later, we bought an apartment and moved to the other end of the city, where our second daughter Irishka was born. I got a job, of course, there were times when I missed my mother. I called her very often, she answered the phone, and I was silent, the main thing for me was to know that she was alive and well.

But 5 years ago, she didn’t answer for a week, I took a day off and rushed to my mother. There was no one at home, the neighbor calmed me down and said that my mother had sold the house and left, without saying where, she just left. A neighbor gave the phone number of the people who bought the house, they, in turn, allowed me to come in and pick up my things, I only took a photo album. And that evening 5 years ago I learned another truth. Then in the evening, I went to with the album to my mother-in-law to pick up Irishka. After looking at the photographs, her face changed and told me a terrible story.

It turns out that my mother and mother-in-law were friends and studied at medical school together. After graduation, my mother went to work as a doctor at a trolleybus depot, and my mother-in-law went to work at a clinic. In a year,my motherhusband , came outgot married and had little Igor.

At this time, my mother met my father, a mechanic at this depot. He was a famous womanizer and womanizer. Once at his mother-in-law's birthday, he met her sister. Dad started walking with her and in the end, dad was stabbed to death by returning from work at the wrong timehusband . Mom then screamed what it wasIt's all her friend 's fault that she hates her.

And after a while my mother found out thatI’m pregnant , but my mother-in-law says that my mother said she had an abortion. Well, as you can see, she left the child. Having learned the truth, I of course understood my mother. I imagined how she felt, but I don’t understand why she didn’t tell me the truth, why did she behave this way? From the page of this story I want to say: “Mom, my dear, I love you very much, forgive me that I built myhappiness with the family of your enemy!

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