Psychological violence from husband

Psychological violence from husband
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have a second onemarriage isdaughter from her first marriage. MyMy husband also has two children from his first civil marriage. My husband and I have been married for 6 years.

The problem is that he doesn’t accept any criticism (I don’t criticize often, he’s just a fan of starting a job and quitting halfway, because of this the whole house is incomplete, I sometimes voice this in dialogues). He also does not accept bad moods. I simply don’t have the right to be in such a mood, and it doesn’t matter if I’m tired after work or if I feel bad. Anything goes wrong, the slightest conflict threatens divorce. Maybe on the street they will start to twitch and find outrelationship .

Occursalcoholism . The character is explosive. Almost anything can start to quickly get ready to leave home. I rushed over many times to calm him down, to make peace, but he was only overwhelmed with more rage.

The last situation simply knocked me out of life. The question arose about having a child together. From the financial side it is still problematic: he paysloan (I took it out before marriage and refinanced it when I was there). Despite the financial difficulties, he told that he would settle them in the near future (he would close the loan). He recently changed jobs (retired from the army) and, it seems, things should get better.

His request is that, without waiting for the debt to be repaid, I become pregnant in the next month, since he chose a certain zodiac sign for the child and the coming year (year of the Tiger) - the only ones worthy of his child according to the horoscope. He doesn’t need any other zodiac signs or years! He gave me a terrible scandal on the phone (he works as a shift worker) because I am not ready to have a child right now. I’m really not ready mentally (difficult first birth) and physically (there arehealth problems ). She said that we should at least get examined, but he screamed that it was either as he said or not at all and we were getting a divorce. I started asking for a photo of my marriage certificate so that I could apply for it remotely.divorce , insulted me and hung up.

I'm in stupor. I don't know what to do or how to react. I tried to write to him, called him, apologized (because I told him a little rudely that I didn’t want to give birth), but there was only aggression on his part. I’m trying to understand if I could have hurt the man’s feelings so much that this was the reason for such a response, or if helife periodically behaves like this, this is a diagnosis, and since he has erased me from life, is it not worth torturing yourself and humiliating yourself once again?

When I try to justify his behavior during the days when we don’t communicate, I only think about the fact that he has long wanted a child together. But is this how loving adults behave and what is it about the zodiac sign anyway?

Help me to understand. He threatened me with divorce so often that I can no longer think objectively. I'm scared of losing him and at the same time I feel like I'm starting to go a little crazy from the constant fear of his reactions.

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