Broke up with my boyfriend because of different views on marriage

Broke up with my boyfriend because of different views on marriage
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm 24 years old, exThe guy is 31. We've been together for a year. He works in another country, so we often visited each other and supportedlong-distance relationship , and at the beginning of the relationship he asked if I would move in with him (at that time I was finishinguniversity ). The relationship had a future, with a lot of initiative from the guy. We felt comfortable together. Love , as it seemed, joint plans, vacations,meeting parents. For a year they discussed my move and employment there. Everything is for real. I had no doubts. Yes, I didthe guy treats me like his most beloved and best girl.

A year passed, I came to see him again, we had a good time, we again discussed our future togetherlife , pricesgroceries , utilities. But there was an unpleasant conversation (at dinner with friends) about marriage, civil marriage, family.

My boyfriend, in all respects, was in favor of a couple living without a stamp. I’ve already lived like this for 3 years and I don’t want to anymore. When we arrived home, we quarreled a lot, I became hysterical, and said that I would either move in with my wife or not at all. He said thatmarriage is a responsibility and a restriction of freedom, why does he owe someone something all his life. He said that he thought we’d live for six months and get married (probably). Continuedquarrel , but in the end they made up. He said that he doesn’t want to lose me, he loves me. Even if we have different views on marriage, this is not a reason to leave (his words). The situation somehow calmed down. I returned to my home and a month later he began to slowly ignore me, nagging and quarrels began, he began to say that we had nothing to talk about, from his words I understood that he was bored with me. We have never communicated like this all year. He seemed to be looking for clues as to why I wasn’t right for him.

When I called him 3 days later and directly asked him what was the matter, why we were communicating like this, he said that he doubted me, whether he wanted a relationship with me. He said that we are very different, I’m not a careerist, I’m homely, we have different goals in life (all year I was suitable for him, but now they are different). And he added: “I couldforgive you some of your shortcomings, but not your hysteria. You are forcing things." It turned out that I don't know what I want. Said I needed another guy. We took a break. But in 3 weeks he didn’t call even once.

I know I behaved badly. I was overcome with emotion and hysteria. Time passed, I called him myself. She said: “I’m sorry for that reaction, I miss you, let’s talk calmly, let’s find a compromise.” But he again said that I need someone else and he knows about my feelings. A completely different person was talking to me. Cold, distant. Not so tender andmy beloved , who valued me and was interested in me. He said that even if nothing worked out, I would not live with a very bad person, not in the worst country. For me this phrase was offensive. As well as the fact that he didn’t even want to talk like a human being. I blame myself for that hysteria. But couples go through difficulties and stay together! After a while, he deleted me on social media. networks, and this indefinite pause apparently did not mean anything.

After 3 months, I still can’t come to my senses and let him go. It's in my head. One good guy takes a liking to me, and I compare him with my ex, remember our wonderful moments and travels, and he is still the best for me. How to let go andforget . I just don't have the strength. All year I was special, with whom he wanted a family (everything, apparently, went into words). Anotherthe girl is not there. I know through friends. I can’t wrap my head around it, it’s just from himlove came out, and then a sharp cold. By the way, he didn’t have a serious relationship; he devotes himself very much and lives for work.

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