Parting with a loved one

Parting with a loved one
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I dated my ex-boyfriend for a year and a half. At first, in our relationship, only he loved, and I only had sympathy for him. We started dating immediately after he came out of the army, at that time I was 16 years old. We dated for 10 months and only after that I began to feel something for him. And all these 10 months he was very jealous of me (don’t come here, don’t communicate with this, and even fought with a guy he knew).

Later we broke up on my initiative, then I walked down the street and just cried, because I wanted to be with him and couldn’t. I understood that he neededsex , and at that time I was not ready for this, because I was not completely sure of my feelings, although he kept saying that he would not leave me without sex, because he loved me very much.

Soon we made up and I finally said that I love him. And then summer came, it was the happiest summer, I trusted him and we made love, he was my first and remains so to this day. He said that he loved me so much that if I wasn’t around, he wouldn’t be able to breathe, he said that we would get married next summer, and he wanted a child, but I needed to finish my studies first.

Then we started having frequent quarrels, but I still loved him, and so he suggested breaking up, like taking a break from the relationship for a while. It lasted two weeks, I thought I couldn’t stand it: I didn’t eat, didn’t drink, didn’t sleep, I felt so bad that I called him, and he constantly said that there was no time, we’ll talk later. I couldn’t stand it and came to him, talked to his mother, then to him, and everything worked out.

And everything was fine againlove , again his desire to have a child, I also really wanted it, from a loved one, but I understood that we didn’t have anything of our own at home. But thisThe happiness did not last long, only a couple of months. There were three days left until New Year, I had already bought a gift, was planning how we would spend the New Year , and then I was sitting in the car, looking at him coming, and next to himyoung woman . They went behind the store together, I was afraid that he was cheating on me with her (although I was sure of him). I followed them, looked at how they were having a nice conversation, he saw me and said: “Oh, hello!” I turned around and left, he didn’t even follow me, he only came up after a couple of minutes. He said that this was his friend, he said I’d come in the evening and we’d talk, I said no out of anger, he didn’t object.

He didn’t even wish me New Year’s greetings, but then I decided to go to the club on New Year’s Eve, and I saw his car was parked. I came in, and he was drunk, very drunk, and was pestering the girl. I ran away in tears, I felt bad and offended, I called a friend to come get me, and then my ex came out and started saying how much he loved me, and that he would come tomorrow and everything would be fine. But he didn’t come tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, and it turned out that he was pestering a certain girl at a friend’s house.

I started calling and begging to meet, and he said that heMom kind of said, why give hope if you don’t want to be with her. Then they were at a friend’s again, I arrived there, called, he came out, we finally talked and he said thatthe relationship has reached a dead end, that he will never be around again and will not call or write. Then I grabbed his jacket and sobbed in pain, and he said that he loved me and would think about it, maybe he would want to be with me later.

Then we crossed paths in a cafe, once I was with him and we made love, he said that everything would be fine with us. Two weeks later he came and said how much he loved me and wanted to be together again. But I don’t know what happened to me, I said no, I probably wanted to take revenge. Later he came a couple more times and we made love.

Now everything continues like this. I have been for 18 years, and we broke up three months ago. But I constantly think about him and remember how things were. And I blame myself, I wouldn’t throw hysterics, I wouldn’t be jealous. It seems like I’ve started to get out of the habit, but the memories and feelings don’t go away. I recently met him, he said that he is already communicating with a girl who is 5 years older than him, he is now 22. I have no idea what to do next, they say that if he loves, he will not leave, which means that all the words were only about his pure and bright love.

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