My husband's indifference has become unbearable for me

My husband's indifference has become unbearable for me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We have been married for 17 years. The husband is infertile and there were no children for a long time. Born with the help of IVFdaughter . She's 7.

They lived in perfect harmony until the birth of their daughter, and never even quarreled. After the birth of my daughter, everything changed. I don't want to figure out who is to blame and who is not. Butrelationships have changed a lot.

A year ago, the scandal ended with him saying “you broke everything” and leaving the house at night, though only for a couple of hours. After that, they seemed to make up, my parents came to visit, he was the same as before. I wanted to thank him and kiss him on the cheek, but he abruptly pulled away from me with a hiss that I even jumped up, scared and said that he didn’t know if he would touch me again.

A year has passed since then. It’s clear that we haven’t had sex for a year. What’s the matter with sex, I can’t even touch him while passing, he jumps away, I put my hand and accidentally next to his, he immediately removes it. We sleep almost separately. Because it supports my daughter’s desire to sleep with us, she sleeps between us or he goes to her bed, and she goes with me. Otherwise, he laughs with me, communicates, plans forthe future , even kind of worrying about me, then suddenly he’ll buy flowers, like he’ll buy something delicious for the house that only I love (unless I’m making it up), doesn’t drink, takes care of the housework, it’s just an idyll. But as soon as I try to even get closer to him or talk about this topic, he immediately turns to stone and pretends not to notice me, ignores me 100%.

On New Year’s Eve, during the fireworks, when everyone is kissing everyone, he didn’t even look at me, he only kissed my daughter, I tried to kiss him on the cheek, but he didn’t let me. It was very offensive, but I didn’t show it. That's how we live. And I don’t understand that he’s with me only because of his daughter? He adores her and has always said before that he is against divorces, that they cripple children. I already agree without sex, I’m 41, he’s 46. I understand that I’ve gained a lot of weight, that has aged and maybeI no longer evoke such emotions in my husband . But I can’t live without tactile relationships. Well, just hug and kiss.

Now I myself am thinking more and more about whether we need to stay together and whether I should endure thisTreated like a roommate, sometimes he can snap back. I don’t even know if I love him anymore, because lately I catch myself praying to God that he finds a mistress for himself and goes to her. At least he will be happy and let me go. The situation is aggravated by the fact that he is a foreigner and we live abroad. And I have nowhere to go, everything happens on the other side of the world. The daughter has dual citizenship. I'm afraid that if I left him and took my daughter, he would simply take her away from me. I wouldn't let you cross the border. And most of all I’m afraid of my daughter’s reaction, she adores and idolizes him. What to do next? Live together as complete strangers under one roof, but peacefully and safely, or run and breathe deeply and maybe even find happiness? Or is there a third option?

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