Disappointment in people

Disappointment in people
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Myconfession will be about human relations. I have been living in war since the first day, our whole family has stayed here, at home, as long as possible we are here. The fighting is taking place 50 km from our home.

I wanted to share that people show their true selves precisely when some difficult situation occurs. Everyone turns away if you needhelp. It’s difficult to live in war, morally, spiritually, and physically. People who said earlier that you are needed, that there is no way without you, a “valuable person”, have now simply disappeared, they are no longer there.

That's why? You are needed when you are useful. I have seen a lot of things, and I treat people differently, I am ready to help in any situation, why is there no return? Or am I helping the wrong people and relying on the wrong people? Orlife gives me these kinds of tests? So as much as possible.

In my life I trust few people, but I kindly help those who are in need, and this is not difficult for me, even a joy.

I havedaughter, family, but I also raise my godmother test-antibiotic.com daughter every day, and it’s not hard for me at all, I’m all for it. And sometimes I don't understandrelationships of their godfathers to me. They do their own business, their daughter does not interfere with this, she is with me all the time. But why don't people appreciate this? I don't understand.

But I understood one thing: if you don’t want to harm yourself, don’t do good to people.

I was recently worriedbetrayal, disappointment, pain because they did this to me. And it just kills meattitude towards me. Either I treat people wrong, I give them a reason to do this to myself, or life wants to prepare me for something, teaches me, gives me lessons.

This war is simply destroying, I didn’t expect it to be so hard. I want human support, but I don’t have anyone. To whomever she did good, he turned his back. Every man for himself, it turns out, why then give all your care and kindness to someone if there is no point in it?

I'm disappointed in people, I didn't expect it to be like this. You're just alone with your problems.

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